Saturday, August 14, 2021

Vetting Juan O Savin

[Editor's Note 12/21/2021: This is one of those articles we would like to disavow. Please see the comments section for greater elaboration. O'Savin is CIA/Mossad - evil.]

Among Trump supporters and other hard core patriot groups, Juan O Savin is an eminence grise who commands considerable respect. Many detractors dismiss him as a voodoo charlatan who doesn't know what he is talking about. We shall render our verdict on his veracity and bonafides.

I have to admit that I was intrigued by the Q movement, but then dismissed it as a psychological warfare operation run by an unhinged millennial camping out in his parents' basement, developing quirky UNIX systems. This view is mistaken, I discovered, after listening to Savin's discussions and excurses on different events related to taking down the globalist cabal which has run America in toto since it murdered President Kennedy in Dallas' Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.

I will not address the critics because they make no substantive remarks, complaining, as they do, about trivia, such as Savin's boots, voice, and evasions of questions. Most of them sound like the aforementioned basement dweller, or a Walmart aisle stocker - not hunting grounds for your next CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

Perhaps the main complaint about Savin is that he never shows his face, a practice which, I suspect, has to do with security and otherwise attracting the wrong kind of attention. However, as someone who has worked in corporate America for most of his life, I can attest that Savin is executive caliber.

His mastery of national and international events over a wide range of history and his deep understanding of the inner workings of American government clearly demonstrate his comfort in the corridors of power, and the deepness of his power connections.

What convinces me more than anything else of his credibility and stature are his cogency and the structure of his speech. He kindly patronizes his interviewers who often are not his equals,  patiently guiding them through his thought processes regarding decisions made in fighting the cabal, some with which I would disagree. However, in all cases, he provides reasonable rationales for actions taken. 

His laser focused explanation of the Q operation convinced me that it was authentic, real, and successful. His ratiocinations are sophisticated - the type one might expect in a Book TV interview or discussion with Brian Lamb in his classic series on Public Television - sprinkled with a bit of seasonings and hot sauce.

Those who may wonder if the Q phenomenon was relevant to regaining our independence from globalist powers situated in China, City of London, Buckingham Palace, and the Rothschild estates should give credence to Savin's utterances, opinions, and analyses, especially since the best is yet to come.

Postscript: If Juan O Savin is John Kennedy, Jr, as some have speculated, I would give anything, including my life, to help him avenge his father's murder.


Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

Very thought provoking article. I agree with everything you wrote and came to the same conclusion about Juan O Savin. Thank you!

Unknown said...

All good people hoping it is true that JFK Jr. averted plans of KILLARY to take him, his lovely wife, and then unborn child out. As it turns out, 'Jacko' has since "shown his face" & clearly, JFK Jr. he AIN'T.

WHY would "Kid By The Side Of The Road" O'Savin even for one moment wish to bask in the 'warmth' of FALSE LIGHT?

Folks now KNOW it ain't so. Now, MOVING ON: True that he has broad knowledge of many topics & their interconnectedness. But he ALWAYS PEDDLES HIS WARES FROM THE VANTAGE POINT OF ISRAHELL...which ought to concern EVERY 'NON'-'jew'. He speaks of the 'Red Sea Moment' the ACTUAL story line is this: Th at the JEWESS Ester ENTICED THE KING TO KICK OUT HIS WIFE & BRING THE JEWESS IN. Once she further BEGUILED the king & had his ear, she arranged for him to SLAUGHTER CHRISTIANS...then NAMED THAT DAY OF CHRISTIAN BLOODSHED "PURIM" -- TO BE OBSERVED YEARLY!! For 'Jacko O'Savin' to not only NOT see anything wrong with this, but to CONSTANTLY PEDDLES IT AS THOUGH WE OUGHT TO BE CHEERING ABOUT IT! is MADNESS! And I have no other reasonable alternative but to perceive him as BEING one of them or WORKING for them, that is to say, ZIONISM/COMMUNISM which always seeks its CANCEROUS SPREAD to its PARASITIC OWN EVENTUAL DEMISE after its sucked the LIFE FORCE FROM EVERYTHING GOOD/BEAUTIFUL/INNOCENT IN THIS WORLD, in this LIFE EXPERIENCE! Since we surely agree that he's not stupid -- there is only one other conclusion -- he is COMPLICIT in the DECEPTION!

Oh, but packaged nicely, spoken of in an even-tempered and contemplative manner, with stories about affluence, cars, travel, connections, etc., etc., etc. a/k/a 'POLISHED TURDS"

Where people of influence are concerned. I wonder -- was Trump DUPED by Jews he surrounded himself with? Was he part of THEIR goals all along? Or IS THERE SOME MIRACLE about which we cannot yet know that shall DIFFUSE & OBLITERATE THEIR 'PROTOCOLS'? Time WILL TELL -- and it won't be long from now, it seems.

P.S. The 'Book of Ester' was the ONLY 'BIBLICAL STORY" NOT FOUND AMONG THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS...go argue with that, or better yet, THINK about that!

Tony Bonn said...

Over the past week I came to the conclusion that the entire Q operation is a CIA-Mossad plan which would be better termed, Boil the Frog. Trump is the actor hired to lead the conservative segment to the bioweapon. Your observation about Israel being the thread which ties together everything is completely correct. One of the purposes of Q is to rehabilitate Zionism as large numbers of people have come to see them as barbaric enemies responsible for wars and financial enslavement. Now they are adding medical enslavement and depopulation. O'Savin is part of this operation - he is evil. There may be good people in the MAGA, Q orbits, but it is another Jewish assault on our lives and freedoms - what little of it remains. Esther is thrown in our faces, along with the frog, to show us that our time is up - or so they think.