Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Biden's Betrayal in Afghanistan

Many commentators are ascribing to incompetence Joe Biden's disastrous handling of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, but nothing could be farther than the truth. To understand Biden's fumbling of the fiasco, one must understand his loyalties - they are not to the United States.

Joe Biden is an enemy combatant against the United States, having been installed in power by the Chinese Communist Party through its digital attack on the United States on November 3, 2020. These Chronicles have established the facts of that theft previously, and are a pre-requisite to understanding who Biden is, for whom he works, and why he betrayed the United States in Afghanistan.

Domestic politics are part of his motivation. Trump left Biden a sound plan for pulling out of Afghanistan which Biden refused to implement. On July 8, 2021, he stated that there was no risk of adverse events in Kabul where US military forces were located. When Taliban forces overtook the city, the military was in a nearly fatal situation, frantically escaping in a replay of the evacuation from Saigon in 1975.

But it wasn't just US service men who were caught in the Taliban vice grip. 86,000 people - mostly Americans - have been abandoned by Joe Biden according to Matt Zeller of No One Left Behind. His organization has attempted for months to provide the fake president with plans which could safely evacuate those 86,000 people, yet Biden spurned it. Zeller has documented 14,000 of them who want out now, but whom Biden left to the Taliban.

Thus Biden's claim that every plan was considered to save those people represents a bald faced lie. But that is just the domestic side of the political calculus.

The foreign side begins with Biden's speech to the press in which he claimed that he owned the debacle, but promptly left the podium as though running to catch a plane or a nap, not deigning to answer a single question from the newsfakers. 

The striking points are that Biden accepted responsibility and that he refused to answer questions. On the one hand, it substantiates our point that an actor is impersonating Biden who could not possibly answer the questions asked even by the fawning newsfakers. On the other hand, it means that the globalist Deep State intentionally created the catastrophe to not only insult the military, but also to signal to China that it had Deep State permission to invade Taiwan.

Yes Biden refused to follow Trump's withdrawal plan as contempt for the former president, and yes Biden allowed this fiasco to occur to humiliate the United States and its military, but his main goal was to follow orders from Beijing - the very power who put him in office.

Under no circumstance would Biden's regime ever aid Americans - not now; not ever. He works for the CCP. That is the reason the US Marines refused to allow him and Harris into the White House on January 20, 2021.

But there is more to the story. The catastrophe in Afghanistan cost the United States access to rare earth minerals vital to American defense. It is for this reason that Beijing wanted the US out of the country, in addition to wanting to invade Taiwan.

It is quite true that the Deep State was running a large heroin business under the auspices of CIA and Pentagon, so our departure was to Afghanistan's and our best interests. And it is true that we had no business fighting the fake "War on Terror." But the debacle of the departure was not to our advantage.

The United States should never have militarily intervened in Afghanistan, but having done so, it should have exited with a modicum of grace. Instead the CCP, through its agents Biden and Harris, humiliated the United States with a deliberately failed policy.

Kyle Becker, ‘I Feel Like I Watched a Different Speech Than the Rest of You Guys’: MSNBC Guest Stuns Biden Lapdogs with Scathing Takedown, Becker News [beckernews.com], August 2021, embedded video:MSNBC

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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