Sunday, August 15, 2021

"COVID" "Vaccine" Treatment

Although the "COVID" "vaccine" cannot currently be cured, there are some treatments which can reduce the severity of its effects, especially for those who must live around "vaccinated" people.

Even proximity to "vaccinated" people poses a high toxic risk because they shed the lethal spike proteins and other toxins from the "vaccine".

The following suggestions should alleviate symptoms of the "vaccine" but it is unknown whether they can ward off premature death or keep subscribers symptom free.

The following bulleted recommendations are from Clif High, with some elaborations provided by your Chronicler in brackets:
  • NAC for cellular repair and clearance of graphene oxide [600 mg]
  • C60 for apoptosis - removal of damaged cells and repair of mitochondria [dosage unknown]
  • Ivermectin - 12 mg for adults but dosage is body weight dependent and will require adjustments calibrated to non-normal weight
  • Glutathione - to flush out graphene oxide and spions [dosage unknown]
  • Vitamin D - 10,000 - 15,000 IU daily [editor: include generous sunshine. Vitamin D may be the most important supplement. It is difficult, though possible, to overdose vitamin D, but the given levels are no where near that threshold. You want D3 form.]
  • Vitamin C - 3g daily liposomal - [editor: it is nearly impossible to overdose on vitamin C and is critical to mitochondria health. If you do not see relief at the recommended dosage, continue to increase dosage. If you take ascorbic acid, and it is not labeled as l-ascorbic acid, then you must double the dosage to reach the desired target. r-ascorbic acid is not vitamin C, but it makes up 1/2 the quantity of ascorbic acid for those products simply labeled ascorbic acid. Whole food vitamin C is preferred over ascorbic acid, but is more expensive. Finally, if you do not take liposomal vitamin C, you will experience increased bowel activity until you adjust. However, this activity is normal and will abate with adjustment to the vitamin. Slowly building dosage is recommended for powdered or non-liposomal delivery.]
  • Chaga tea - 2 cups daily - 1/4 teaspoon to 8 ounces of hot water per serving.
  • Balanced zinc - 15 zinc to 1 copper - will degrade graphene oxide, SPIONS and spike proteins [editor: you can overdose on zinc and copper - do not experiment with dosage without research confirming safety of candidate dosage. Dosage up to 50 mg daily of zinc only is safe.]
I would also propose magnesium supplementation, a powerhouse mineral, with fulvic and humic acid. Because magnesium is a difficult mineral to absorb, I recommend taking choline citrate with it. Studies with subjects taking 1g per day have been shown to be safe.

Finally, in addition to what Clif High recommends, I would consider charcoal binders to aid in the removal of toxins.

Ricardo Delgado also recommends:
  • Astaxanthin - 5 mg
  • Quercetin - 
  • Milk thistle - for stomach and liver
  • Melatonin
Delgado also states that the graphene oxide is most damaging around 5G radiation, and thus these remedies are absolutely essential to survival. In spite of our generally gloomy estimation of the over all lethality of the "vaccine", Delgado provides clinical evidence that NAC and glutathione will totally eliminate the toxicity of graphene oxide, if not the substance entirely. However, the "vaccine" has other pathways to death.

As stated, there are no guarantees that the above protocol will evade premature death, but they should alleviate symptoms, and keep victims out of the hospital in the near term.

[Postscript 9/18/2021: Stew Peters interviewed Dr Judy Mikovitz who provided a wealth of information on how to treat or neutralize different aspects of the bioweapon. There is now great hope for those who were injected with the lethal bioweapon. If you took the bioweapon please watch this fantastic interview. 

One of the big takeaways from this dear, precious soul was "No more masks, no more vaccines, no more test." Contrary to our original position, there is hope for the "vaccinated."

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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