Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Size of the "Vaccine" Die Off

Just a few weeks ago we thought that the number of "COVID" "vaccine" deaths would number well into the hundred millions in the United States. There is some reasonable cause for less pessimistic assumptions, but the data is still quite murky.

Based upon popular surveys, about 62% of Americans have been "vaccinated" with the genocidal bioweapons. Assuming that everyone was authentically "vaccinated", the number of deaths would be about 200 millions because the bioweapon is nearly infallible in its lethality as we have explained in previous Chronicles.

However, Karen Kingston, a biotechnology analyst and former Pfizer employee, raised an interesting observation about the uniformity of the "vaccines" causing us to hedge our bets, so to speak. She pointed out that the manufacturers are not following Consumer Good Manufacturing Processes as required by FDA regulations which means that the consistency and quality of the bioweapons are not assured, and may be less or more lethal than intended.

Secondly, Kingston noted that the side effects and reactions are wildly inconsistent. Some people appear to have no reaction, while others die immediately upon injection. This phenomenon underscores the fact that CGMP is not followed, and that great doubt should exist about the contents of the bioweapon. Because the "vaccines" are experimental, the manufacturers may well be altering the formulas as they conduct real time testing on humans. In an extreme case, Japan has recalled 1.6 million Moderna vials of the bioweapon due to metal contamination which resulted in two instant deaths. Remember that the "vaccine" marketers such as CDC, FDA, and the Biden regime call these "vaccines" "safe and effective."

Finally, there are no contents published for the "vaccines." As we have stated before, you know more about what goes into a can of dog food than you do about what goes into a vial of the bioweapons. The implication swings both ways: the contents could be more lethal than designed - if that is even possible, or they could be less toxic in which case people could have been injected with placebos or less toxic formulas. We just don't know.

Another factor causing uncertainty is the fact that no long term studies on the effects of the "vaccines" are available. The first bioweapon was available in December 2020, meaning that 9 months does not count as a long term study, especially when Pfizer, for example, has failed to notify the FDA of adverse reactions as required by regulation, thus depriving us of much needed data about the pathologies of the "vaccines."

Normally vaccines require 8-15 years of development and study before they are approved and released for general use. In the case of the EUA "vaccines", less than 8 months was spent on development, if you pretend that a patent was not issued for the "vaccines" in 2019 - hence the name COVID-19.

So how does one assess the damage done? There are 3 tests which will help people know whether or not they have received the "vaccine" or possibly a placebo. The first is the d-Dimer test which will reveal if blood clotting has occurred. It is a sensitive test which reports positive within 4-7 days of taking the "vaccine." However, for some people, a  longer gestation period may be required. People with the "vaccine" should probably take this test monthly for the next couple of years as early detection of blood clotting may be treatable with blood thinners. However, we are not providing this information as medical advice - merely a suggestion to consider in discussion with your physician assuming that he is even half honest.

The second test to perform is a simple blood smear observed under a regular microscope. This test will reveal if malformation of blood cells has occurred in a formation known as roulio, a rare condition most commonly associated with blood cancer. German, French, and Spanish doctors have independently observed this condition immediately following "vaccination." It is caused by the change of the blood cell charge from negative to positive which then causes the cells to adhere to each other in a form resembling a roll of coins.

The third test is a biopsy conducted by a knowledgeable and honest doctor who understands the deadly paths which spike proteins take in the body. Contrary to the liar doctors, the spike proteins circulate throughout the body, settling in many different organs, causing a multitude of lethal conditions. Since we are not doctors, we do not know which areas of the body are candidates for such a test. Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole has reported spike proteins as the cause of disease or death in countless cases, and these deadly proteins are almost always the prime cause of pathology. If you have spike proteins, then you know that you have received the "vaccine" and not a placebo.

Until the macro results of these tests are in, we don't accurately know the extent of true "vaccination." However, once death rates are better understood, much needed data will be available to assess the damage. It is also prudent to remember that in the animal tests it took as long as one human-equivalent year for the adverse effects to occur. After receiving the "vaccines", the animals became ill or died within 12-18 months as measured in human years.

Assuming a Bell Curve type distribution of "vaccination" since December, it is likely that Peak Death will occur between May to July of 2022, with acceleration starting in December of 2021. However, whether the number of deaths is closer to 200 million or much lower awaits knowing the actual number of non-placebo injections.

Postscript 8/29/2021: As evidence supporting our contention of massive death waves, Tillamook County in Oregon has requested a mobile morgue truck as its local funeral home can only handle 9 bodies. The county has 70% vaccination rate. It appears that the die offs are well under way.

Postscript 8/29/2021: Please keep in mind that the newsfakers are reporting these deaths as "COVID" when in fact they are due to the "vaccines." People near "vaccinated" people are subject to illness and death due to spike protein shedding.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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