Friday, August 27, 2021

FDA Approved Pfizer Bioweapon

The Food and Drug Administration approved on August 23, 2021 the Pfizer bioweapon it will market as a "vaccine" for "COVID-19." Many commentators have incorrectly stated that the FDA only extended Emergency Use Authorization.

In a dynamite interview with former Pfizer employee and biotechnology analyst Karen Kingston, Stew Peters revealed to his audience that the FDA provided full approval of the bioweapon to be marketed as Comirnaty. This approval is separate and distinct from any extensions of other bioweapons marketed, manufactured, and distributed by Pfizer. Kingston stated that the "vaccine" was "100 percent, unequivocally approved." But the story is slimier than that.

Here is the deception of the FDA: It approved a non-available drug, marketed as Cominarty, a drug which has absolutely no testing, yet which it is now calling "safe and effective." So if someone asks for the Cominarty injection, he will be told that it is unavailable, but he can have the EUA euthanasia. The lies of that agency are breathtaking.

Do you even know how long the FDA approval process is? It is typically 8-15 years. This murder weapon was developed in maybe 8 months (if you ignore that it was patented in 2019). It is a DNA altering murder weapon. It's not a "vaccine." Yet the FDA authorized something which it is not legally entitled to authorize. But if you understand that the FDA works for the Chinese Communist Party, then you can understand why Janet Woodcock did what she did.

Kingston related that standard FDA processes were circumvented in providing the approval, such processes including Consumer Good Manufacturing Processes (CGMP) which ensures the quality and the consistencies of the vials.

Reading from the FDA letter, she noted that Pfizer is required within 2 weeks of August 23 to disclose the contents of the vaccine, something which until now it has withheld from the FDA and consumers. As we have stated before, people know more about what is in a can of dog food than they know what is in a vial of "vaccine" and hence what they are sticking into their bodies for this experiment.

Subsequent to submission of the vaccine contents, the Centers for Biologics Evaluation and Research must approve the contents before Pfizer is allowed to release the bioweapon on the public. But since the FDA has egregiously ignored required safety protocols for managing "vaccine" approval, we are on firm ground in believing that CBER will rubberstamp the criminal and fraudulent work of the FDA and Pfizer.

Because standard FDA quality controls were not placed on the "vaccines", their contents is unknown. Kingston believes that different formulas have been used in different batches and lots of the "vaccine" because the outcomes from victim to victim have been so different - ranging from almost no side effects to death.

In this regard the FDA has allowed Pfizer to flout the rules requiring manufacturers to report directly to the FDA such adverse events, but its chief, Janet Woodcock, has not enforced compliance, an astonishing fact given the hundreds of thousands of deaths, and millions of injuries caused by the bioweapons. Thus Woodcock has been criminally negligent in administration of the FDA.

In a heart breaking moment, Kingston mentioned that babies breast feeding from injected mothers died from brain inflammation, yet these products have not been recalled - products which have no benefit beyond murder.

When she worked at Pfizer, products causing heart inflammation would be recalled, yet the deaths of babies doesn't warrant recall? What kind of a psychopathic murderer is Woodcock?

When Peters raised the point that Comirnaty does not have a website,  Kingston explained that extraordinary absence as Pfizer's attempt to evade prosecution for willfully marketing harmful "vaccines." She further explained that Pfizer could be charged for intentionally harming people as the manufacturer, but is trying to avoid prosecution as the marketer. For these reason, the Biden regime, FDA, and what Robert Kennedy, Jr calls The Vaccine Company, the CDC, have been doing marketing for Pfizer.

The harms from the "vaccine" are so pervasive and severe that the Mayo Clinic reported adverse effects in a recent study of 600,000 test subjects which matched the list produced by the FDA in October 2020. Yet Woodcock is silent except to grant authorization for Pfizer to market, manufacturer, and distribute this bioweapon.

Kingston then discussed the shedding phenomenon in which "vaccinated" people can harm others, especially infants, by communicating their spike proteins. These harms include death. The FDA knows about these risks, but refuses to warn the public. The psychopathic mind of Woodcock is terrifying.

Yet Kingston reminded listeners that Congress passed protective shields for the pharmaceutical companies which violate the Nuremburg Code, allowing them to use people as test subjects without informed consent.

Kingston provided some optimism in another interview that by now having an FDA approved drug, Pfizer will be compelled to disclose the "vaccines'" contents and comply with CGMP standards which will force exposure of their many crimes - even to the point of the dissolution of the pharmaceutical industry as we know it. Unfortunately, FDA fights for and protects criminals, and Woodcock will cover the pharmaceuticals from any criminal prosecution.

People must stand up to demand the arrest and execution of these mass murderers at Pfizer, FDA, CDC, and the Biden regime - as well as all corporate CEOs terrorizing their employees with threats of reprisals for refusing to accept an extermination service.

Stew Peters, FORMER PFIZER EMPLOYEE: “CHECKMATE. GAME OVER. WE WIN”, Stew Peters TV, August 25, 2021, source(Former Pfizer Employee: "Checkmate. Game Over. We WIN" (, accessed 8/27/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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