Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Trump Won and He Won Big

Newsfakers hailed Joe Biden's electoral victory over Donald Trump as a resounding rebuke of his presidency, but as always, they lied about the stolen election of which they were part and parcel. The size of Trump's margin of victory was historic - 54% vs 46%. We shall explain.

The idea that Trump won the 2020 election is not intuitive to most Americans - after all the newsfakers reported the vote counts as they came in as normal. At best, the idea that Trump won is sour grapes of a sore loser. But that is a lie. Trump won big, carrying even the leftist of states such as California.

How can you state that Trump won the vote when the secretaries of state of all 50 states certified the election results and the Electoral College elected Biden? It is easy, especially since many of the secretaries were participants in the treasonous electoral fraud. We shall now get down to work.

The usual suspects were at play in the theft - George Soros, Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and many other names unfamiliar to most Americans. However, these mobsters used a number of lackeys such as Dominion Voting Systems, the Italian IT head of Leonardo, SpA, Arturo D'Elia, and the communist Chinese government, the latter of whom provided 66% of the faked votes.

As we instinctively knew when so much ballyhoo was made of electronic voting, cheating the systems is child's play - it is how Bush, Jr won the 2004 election in Ohio. The enemies of the United States - and they are mostly domestic enemies - took advantage of this fact to steal the 2020 election by breaking through firewalls, obtaining systems access through bribery, keeping servers connected to the internet, and otherwise hacking credentials of existing or planted users.

The astonishing evidence was presented by national intelligence expert Mary Fanning using information from dozens of cyber security experts who investigated the election fraud. A US cyber warfare defense team began monitoring network traffic to voting servers beginning November 1, 2020 continuing past the election on November 3. The data covered over 2500 counties, and constituted terabytes of information.

A sample of the audit is below.

The audit data documents the ID of the source computer, its IP address, state and county targets, the target server, method of intrusion, its success status, the time of intrusion, and the number of votes stolen. Interestingly, all of the votes taken away were Trump's. None was given to him.

This forensic evidence will be presented in court, but it matters little if the corrupt courts, and the highly corrupt Supreme Court fail to hear the cases or rule correctly on it. The evidence we describe was gathered by the US military, and in the end justice will be served whether the courts do their duties or not, and it will not go well for the Democrat National Committee, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Barry Soetoro, Arturo D'Elia, Dominion Voting Systems, Dana Nessel, and a slew of other enemies of the republic on the payrol of the Communist Chinese Party. The charges are not just election fraud, but sedition and treason against the United States.

The combatants assaulted the US election systems from multiple locations around the world - well beyond China, including Toronto, United Kingdom, Frankfurt, Iran, and Italy. These nations were engaged in a deliberate attack on the United States and participated in a coup d'état against its government.

But electronic voter fraud was only part of the attack. Fake ballots with fake voters - ie non-existent, existent, and dead people - were produced by the millions. The reason why the Arizona election auditors have been seen holding up ballots to black lights is to look for a watermark which authentic ballots have. This line of investigation will be another rich vein of fraudulent ballots for Biden.

In one example of voter fraud in Texas, ballots started coming into the election office before they were mailed.

The current evidence shows about 80 million votes for Donald Trump compared with about 68 million votes for Joe Biden. This translates into an electoral landslide for the president, probably on the order of 400 electoral votes against Biden's 140 - approximately speaking.
[Edit 8/17/2021: We have learned since publication of this Chronicle that Trump carried 47 states, substantially raising his electoral vote count.]

The battle to remove the terrorist president is only warming up. It will become very heated, and violence will erupt as Soros unleashes his militant armies again. But the second time will be a slaughter for his powerful forces. He will go down.

Mike Lindell,, [video presentation], nd, accessed(You want to see evidence that the election was stolen? Here it is... (, 8/4/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

1 comment: said...

Why are there no comments here. It is 8/7/2021 8:12 Central time. This reading is precise. Has no one read it and if not why not?
There is one event that has been overlooked that makes the difference perhaps.
On February 26, 2019, a Federal Judge that has been referred to as the worst in Washington, Richard Leon, known to have close ties to George W Bush, handed the keys off to the CEO of AT&T, Randal Stephenson, who has the closest of all ties to Mr. Bush alleging that only Bush and Stephensons late grandmother were allowed to call him Randy. Those keys would start the end-all propaganda-assination-Zamboni (paZ) because on that day the appeals court left in place Judge Leons ruling allowing ATT (previous National Security threat)to purchase Time Warner with tens of billions borrowed, possibly form China and put in the hands of AT&T the message across the globe Against America. Thus, the beginning of the misinformation concerning the Chinese intentional virus, Covid 19. Beginning also and demonstrating the power of paZ: tyrannic control over the U.S.A. and the lessening of our freedoms that so many Americans have fought and died for over the past 245 years. That is because there is now a difference in how we found out, intentionally late, about the Chinese virus. With paZ there now exists the ability to deliver across the globe almost instantly to almost 2 billion (BILLION according to AT&T) people the message, "wear a mask or you'll die" or "don't wear a mask or you'll die" no matter how false that message may be because if that many people hear the message enough it becomes the gospel. That is the power of propaganda. That is also the overlooked determining factor in the future, or the end of America is the message now going around the world against us. That message in the hands of our enemies in a National Security threat that has all but ended the USA by China, Germany, Russia, Iran and others in the USA and in our own Government, by gaining control of the mighty misinformation machine of ATT Time Warner. paZ is also why Covid 19 got the legs it did to disrupt the world including the USA with draconian measures like the closing of Churches, business and schools, and the show of control over all Americans with the mandatory wearing of masks. Unlike when there was no paZ, like with H1N1 the swine flu where there were millions of more case in just the USA alone yet no draconian measures because there was no paZ to instigate the fear and pandemonium brought to the world in the propaganda put out by the unstoppable message of paZ. Even worse, is recently the announcement that AT&T is joining paZ with the Discovery Channel network and according to the leader of Discovery they will now "rule the world". Dire consequences ahead because when the corrupt take power we all become powerless.