Thursday, July 4, 2013

Meet Jack Crichton, JFK Murderer

Jack Crichton (1916-2007) is not exactly a household name, but when you travel with the Family of Secrets, your profile lies low. Crichton is one of the fine upstanding pillars of the Military Industrial Complex who played a pivotal role in the Murder of John F Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dealey Plaza.

Crichton made his money in the Texas oil business where he developed a strong relationship with George Herbert Walker Bush – the very same George Bush of the CIA referenced in J Edgar Hoover’s damning letter concerning the future president’s involvement in the Kennedy murder.

Earle Cabell (1906-1975), another key player in the Kennedy murder while he was mayor of Dallas, went to school with Crichton who subsequently joined the OSS during World War 2. Afterwards, he had many relationships with America’s leading MIC elements such as DuPont, General Dynamics, Kuhn Loeb, Clint Murchison, and other luminaries of the far right.

His most significant relationship in connection to the Kennedy murder was with George Bush’s Operation 40 team which planned a fake attack on Guantanamo Bay as a cover for its covert plans against the President. Both men were in Dealey Plaza at the time of the murder, with Crichton having walked from the Adolphus Hotel to Elm Street.

In addition to his business interests and role as mentor and confidante of Bush, Sr, Crichton also commanded the US Army Reserve 488th Military Intelligence unit stationed in Texas at the time of the Kennedy assassination.

Another member of this tight group was George Lumpkin who joined the Dallas Police Department after a career in the Army, leaving with the rank of Colonel. He reported to his close friend when he joined the 488th reserve unit. Over 50 of the 100 members of 488th came from the Dallas Police Department.

Key figures in the President’s trip to Dallas, both men played significant roles in planning Kennedy’s route through the city and into the killing zone at Dealey. The 488th would ordinarily provide augmented security for the Commander in Chief, but Crichton or Lumpkin ordered Lt Colonel George Whitmeyer to stand down the reserve unit he commanded in east Texas.

Lumpkin drove the pilot car of the Kennedy entourage through Dallas along with 3 other members of the 488th. Yet neither he nor Crichton was called before the Warren Commission, largely due to Prescott Bush’s close relationship with Allan Dulles, another plotter in the murder.

Whitmeyer was discovered dead on April 18, 1978 after he was subpoenaed to testify before House Select Committee on Assassinations much the same way George DeMohrenschildt was discovered dead prior to his appointment with the Committee.

John Connally defeated Crichton in the 1964 Texas gubernatorial race – a rivalry which may explain why Greer shot him prior to pulling the trigger of his 45 caliber gun on the President.
In n interesting aside, Crichton personally assigned a translator to Marina Oswald after she was detained following the assassination of the president and her husband. What is a General and busy business executive doing personally appointing translators for dead men's wives?

So we slightly misled our dear readers by introducing two, rather than one, murderers of the President – Jack Crichton and George Lumpkin. The Wall of Shame grows taller and taller with each passing year. They almost got away with murder, but thanks to those who have a sense of justice, they are exposed for their animal criminality.

Personal correspondence with Michael Gordon, an indefatiguable Kennedy assasination researcher

Copyright 2013 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct about him

My dad was a campaign mgr for Crichton in '64

Jackie Ow said...

(1) From the pilot car a quarter mile ahead of Jesse Curry's lead car and JFK, Lumpkin got out briefly at Elm x Houston to have a few words with the traffic cops.  We have a clue what he must have told them, because a few minutes later they released a flood of pent-up traffic on the heels of the motorcade passing.  Normal cops would have held up traffic to safeguard the crime scene and make it easy for investigators to get there.  But these flunkies of Lumpkin made sure to hose the street with prompt obstruction traffic that made sure nobody could get north across Elm St. any time soon to pursue shooters from the grassy knoll.  That's why Roger Craig couldn't get to Ruth Paine's station wagon when one of the Oswald doppelgangers rushed down the TSBD hill and jumped in with a driver who looked a lot like David Sanchez Morales.  Later that day those two were seen by Robert Vinson flying out of Dallas, from near the Trinity River, on a CIA flight to New Mexico.

Oswald got to the Texas Theater by about 1:05pm to rendezvous with his CIA extraction driver.  That's why he had a torn half of a dollar bill in his wallet, for recognition.  And a second torn half of a dollar bill to recognize his CIA pilot out of the Dallas Red Bird Airport. Or so patsy Oswald expected. Tippit was shot about 1:05pm by an Oswald lookalike at Tenth and Patton, in front of his mistress's house, where he had gone to meet Westbrook and Croy for his last minute instructions to go back to the Texas Theater and kill patsy Oswald.  Tippit's ticket to become a big hero for big media bucks.  As soon as Tippit was shot, an observer watching from across the street calmly walked to Carl Mather's car PP4537.  Everyone else was fleeing in panic or rushing in to help like Domingo Benavides or Warren Reynolds.  Seeing as how Carl Mather was a radio expert who had wired LBJ's Air Force Two for high tech radios, chances are Carl Mather had wired PP4537 for high tech radios.  Likely borrowed from Crichton's 488th Army Intelligence Detachment.  However it happened, Roger Craig was at sixth floor TSBD at 1:06pm when word went around that Tippit had just been shot, but the news wasn't out on the Dallas Police radio dispatch system for several more minutes. It sure looks like an observer stationed at Tenth and Patton with a PP4537 radio got word to Dealey Plaza over this Crichton radio, right away, that Tippit was whacked on schedule.  The radio receiver was most likely in Zapruder's offices in Dal-Tex, and a hand signal across the street to TSBD would have let the cluster of cops there know it was time to roll to Oak Cliff and look for a cop killer, on schedule.  

One of Zapruder's top secretaries married George de Monhrenschildt about 1955.  On Nov. 22, 1963, Zapruder spent the half-hour before noon running around his fifth and sixth floor Dal-Tex offices telling everyone, "Get out! Get out! We all have a presidential parade to go see!  Get out now!" Zapruder's offices were perfect to be Command Central for the JFK assassination because they offered a view of all of Dealey Plaza, sniper team emplacements, and hand signals to TSBD and the roof of the Records Building.  Dan Marvin, who was asked by the CIA to kill Lt. Cmdr. William Bruce Pitzer, saw a how-to movie during his Green Beret training.  It was all about how to do an urban sniper assassination, and featured JFK from up close being shot dead in Dealey Plaza. ......more in part (2).......

Jackie Ow said...

(2) But it wasn't the Zapruder film.  The only other person around with that kind of camera was Babushka Lady, and if you see her on non-Zapruder film coming across the street to the grassy knoll you can see it is an older gal.  Definitely not the young and nubile Beverly Oliver.  She was evidently posted as the other-side-of-the-street back-up for Zapruder.  And some have claimed Babushka Lady was Mrs. Zapruder.  When stray bullets were zipping past the heads of Jean Hill, Mary Moorman, and Malcolm Summers, and as they dove to the grass for safety, Babushka Lady somehow knew she was safe.  She was unmoving and unperturbed, like a guy near her with a still camera who also wasn't bothered by the whizzing silencer bullets.  Seems they knew what to expect and what to be ready for.  They acted like they knew the snipers intended to miss them.  They never came forward to claim fame and fortune for their camera work, so that omission kind of indicates they were paid to be there in advance.  And somehow they knew where to stand to get the best view-- near the yellow sector of fire marks on the south curb of Elm St.

Shortly after patsy Oswald sat down in the Texas Theater, an Oswald doppelganger came in without paying for his ticket and hid out upstairs.  After 4-5 insistent phone calls the police finally came to the theater and arrested patsy Oswald out the front.  George Applin says Jack Ruby or his twin brother was watching from the back of the theater.  Once patsy Oswald was arrested out the front, doppelganger Oswald was taken from the upper floor and shoved into a cop car in the back alley.  The Dallas Police delivered the doppelganger to PP4537, where the Oswald lookalike was seen behind the driver's wheel by T.F. White.  Once "Oswald" saw T.F. White was eyeballing him, he floored it to get away and try to evade notice. Of course patsy Oswald was already in jail and didn't know how to drive in the first place. Chances are a whole lot of other JFK assassination activities were coordinated by high-tech radios borrowed from Crichton's unit.

George Whitmeyer is an obscure figure, so it would be good if you could write an expanded item about him and particularly how he died.

Tony Bonn said...

good stuff, maynard. i had opined that the babushka lady was barbara bush, but hold no special attachment to that guess. in general you are on the money. i refer to the patsy as HARVEY and to the assassin as LEE who indeed murdered tippit. i am still puzzled over exactly why tippit was murdered. i suppose that it was to create an event and aura around HARVEY as certified president killer, or perhaps tippit knew too much about HARVEY and LEE.

i completely agree about zapruder being part of the assassination team. i am not a coincidence theorist, and have written here about his direct guilt in the murder as the official photographer for the assassination.

i did not know about a mather vehicle at the tippit scene. i have always suspected that he was involved as a murderer, and have been intrigued about his association with tippit. there was a trailer photographed in the vicinity of dealey plaza which i think was the mather communications center.

i don't believe that HARVEY knew anything about the murders. i think his handlers played him for a fool with that theater at the theater.

Tony Bonn said...

ps - in referencing HARVEY and LEE i encourage readers to visit

Jackie ow said...

2-7-2023 (2) The trailer near the assassination scene was brought in by the U.S. Army from Ft. Hood. There were about a dozen enlisted soldiers trained in cinematography who had a newfangled thing called a miniature transistorized TV camera, and they radioed their signals to the trailer where the taping was done. Each enlisted cameraman was told to film only in his own sector, and nowhere else. Not to the left, not to the right, not up, and not down. As soon as they made their movies they turned in their cameras, got on their bus, and went back to Ft. Hood. They were dressed in civilian clothes. In all the pictures of Dealey Plaza I have seen, I never have seen anybody holding a camera that would fit the just-cited description, but that is the story told years later by one of the claimed participants. And we do know a real Army cameraman who claimed to be off-duty was temporarily caught in the TSBD dragnet when the doors were closed and he couldn't get out for an hour or two. It makes no sense to use the trailer for coordinating the whole assassination when for that they had full use of Zapruder's offices with their file cabinets and store-rooms for holding radios, binoculars, rifles, ammunition, not to mention telephones to stay in touch with Mr. Big and get a blow-by-blow account of how the JFK parade was progressing from Love Field to Dealey Plaza. And it was a place for hand signals across Houston to TSBD and across Elm to the Records Building. The trailer was there for a special purpose only, at least that seems a lot more reasonable when you put all the pieces together. You can't exactly have half a dozen shooting positions and then have all those guys walk across Dealey Plaza to toss their sniper rifles and radios into a trailer. But you can have them put their rifles and radios back into Zapruder's file cabinets and store-rooms. Then they can disappear for good over the weekend when the heat is off.

(3) Patsy Oswald had been working for RFK/FBI/Justice Dept. infiltrating Cuban exile camps, which is why he was at 544 Camp St. palling around with Banister and David Ferrie. Infiltrating them so he could help higher ups destroy them from within. JFK had a deal with Khruschev that if missiles were taken out of Cuba, then six months later JFK would quietly take the US missiles out of Turkey and shut down all attempts (CIA and Cuban exiles both) to invade or harass Cuba. The CIA and Cuban exiles noticed that any time Oswald was around, a few days later they would be raided by FBI or US Marshals, sometimes coming in helicopters. So Oswald didn't get away with too many double-crossing stings before they decided to put him on their Special High Intensity Training list.

Jackie Ow 1776 said...

2-7-2023 (4)  Oswald also had a telephone calling card and a special Secret Service headquarters number he could call collect anytime and talk as long as he wanted.  He thought he was developing insider information about plans to get revenge against JFK (in addition to infiltrating himself into training camps) and indeed the Nov. 2, 1963 plot to kill JFK in Chicago (the same day Ngo Dinh Diem was killed in Saigon) was frustrated in part by a report originating from an informant named Lee.  The Oswald doppelganger for that failed plot was Thomas Arthur Vallee, and he drove a car with New York plates registered to somebody by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald.  Of course patsy Lee didn't drive, but other versions of the LHO identity did and were rife all over the place for setting up the patsy.  I describe the Oswalds instead of calling this one Lee and this one Harvey because descriptions are easier to keep track of and are specific rather than arbitrary.  To be clear, patsy Oswald was the one shot by Ruby even though we know from Ed Voebel that his teeth weren't right for the role.

(5)  Once patsy Oswald got put on the cannon fodder list, he was prepped to be the fall-guy for the developing project to hit JFK along with stand-ins like Richard Case Nagell, Larry Crafard, and who knows how many others.  His role was to think he would do a sham assassination.  If he were sheep-dipped as a Castro flavored commie, bullets harmlessly past JFK's head would enrage JFK against Castro and cause JFK to finally invade Cuba.  All Oswald had to do was play the role.  To prep him, he was run through a pretend or sham assassination with Gen. Walker.  Somebody else made the shot, he had a minder watching his rear, both were seen fleeing in separate cars after the one shot was made, and Oswald ambled off simple and happy to his spiffy spy-boy city escape bus [with no rifle since he didn't shoot one at Walker either].  Just like he would do later for the JFK pretend hit.  Oswald thought.  That's why patsy Oswald was so cool, calm, and collected sipping his soda when encountered by Roy Truly and Marion Baker within 90 seconds.  Been there, done that, JFK is OK just like Gen. Walker, I will escape from the Texas Theater and be a big spiffy spy-boy hero to my CIA buddies as the key player who fooled JFK into attacking Cuba.  That's why he had the torn half of a dollar bill in his wallet-- to recognize his extraction CIA driver from the theater.  And the second torn bill half to recognize his pilot.  Oswald performed his scripted role, and like Tippit didn't realize there were surprise endings involved for guys like Tippit, JFK, and himself.   Richard Case Nagell figured out what was up, and was very creative about getting himself away from very dangerous taskmasters.   ....end....

Jackie Ow 1776 said...

John Anderson has done excellent work with his book and enabling the as cited by Tony Bonn above. Other good sources to get beginners started is the video series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" and the Douglas Horne video "Altered History." Both are 6-9 hours long, and worth every second of it. Some of the material is getting to be a little obsolete in light of more recent observations, but both those videos are good starts. Also, many videos by Vince Palamara, Jim Fetzer (The New JFK video series), Jim Marrs, and early work by Penn Jones and Mark Lane. This list is only for starters to get one's toes wet. See also Jim Jenkins as interviewed on Valuetainment, and Abraham Bolden as interviewed on Valuetainment.

Tony Bonn said...

I want to get back to this, but you have provided insights i had not considered before particularly about patsy oswald's relationship with robert kennedy. that was another one which had me puzzled. I am going to pull this material into an article for me new site. i don't post here since the censors of goodle-cia shut me down on the scamdemic.

Jackie Ow 1776 said...

Notice RFK was surprisingly passive about addressing his brother's murder. Part of that was he could do little with LBJ in charge, and he had to have known LBJ was a big mover and shaker in the JFK hit along with his lawyer Ed Clark and numerous flunkies like Cliff Carter and Mac Wallace. Therefore part of his reticence was he was waiting for the chance to be president and then do something, but he was incautious enough to let that be known. And, as if the foregoing weren't enough material for incapacitation, he said at some point he had "heard" of Lee Harvey Oswald (patsy version of course) much earlier before Nov. 22, and so he must have wondered how much of his jerking of the CIA in general and Bissell in particular, and jerking of the various mafiosi, and jerking of Jimmy Hoffa, and jerking of Marilyn Monroe contributed to the bitter harvest of a backlash he engendered with so many possible to probable interwoven factors involved. His situation was what is called in statistics "confounded."