Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Fake President Takes His Fake Vaccine

Fake president Joe Biden took a fake "vaccine" to convince stupid Americans to take the bioweapon. How many responded with anything other than laughter is a measure of their IQs.

With fake citizen Barack Obama still clinging to his fake birth certificate instructing Biden through his earpiece, the fake president walked over to a faked stage of the White House to show the world that he was taking his fake 3d shot.

The endless frauds and deceits of the Biden regime are becoming ever more comical as the days pass, except for the fact that real people have died needlessly due to his treason. We speak of course of the 13 US soldiers he bombed in Afghanistan and the millions who dying from this bioweapon.

A picture speaks a thousand words. Notice all of the newsfakers taking photographs and notes, yet not a single one of them told his readers that the fake president was faking it. Lin Wood recently stated that Biden has never once stepped foot in the White House as president. Did the newsfakers include this bit of factual information in their fake news reports? Of course not.

Newsfakers reporting the fake president's fake vaccine (Late September 2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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