Friday, September 3, 2021

CDC Treats Afghan Invaders With Ivermectin

In a stunning revelation, the Centers for Disease Control website reports that it has given Afghan invaders coming to the United States Ivermectin as a treatment for "COVID" and other diseases. This treatment proves that the "vaccines" are bioweapons designed to destroy the United States.

While the Chinese Communist Party's heads of the FDA and CDC have spent valuable time telling Americans that this drug is dangerous, they have been stealthily giving it to the Afghan invasion force entering the United States.

This information has been found on the CDC website, and will probably disappear soon. However, WeLoveTrump and several commentators have confirmed that the CDC has been administering Ivermectin.

We reported recently on the enormous success certain Indian states have had with the use of Ivermectin in treating conditions related to "COVID." A judge in Ohio ordered a hospital to administer it to a suffering and dying patient. Therefore its efficacy is not in doubt; nor is its safety. Dr Stella Immanuel has used it extensively in her hospital practice, and cannot get enough of it.

This development proves that CDC is deliberately withholding effective and safe medicines from Americans in a homicidal move to murder as many as possible. Even if Ivermectin has risks - and it does not - it could surely be approved as Emergency Use Authorization for treatment of what the murderers claim is a national pandemic.

With hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide from "vaccines" how is Ivermectin dangerous when it has zero deaths?

The reason for the CDC murder rampage has to do with the provisions in the Emergency Use Authorization acts which allows experimental drugs to be released only if alternatives are not available. Thus, even after giving it to Afghan invaders, the CDC and FDA will continue to slander Ivermectin.

This treachery is further proof that CDC is on a mission to murder as many Americans as possible.

daniel_g, CDC Website Reveals Afghan Refugees Given Ivermectin,, September 3, 2021, source(CDC Website Reveals Afghan Refugees Given Ivermectin (, accessed 9/3/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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