Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Gates, Trump, Fauci Troika

The billionaires' club is rolling on the ground laughing its collective posterior off over how easy it was to cow Americans into donning the brand of servility - the face mask. But nothing is too tawdry for these billionaires to add ever more billions to their banks accounts. Gates, Trump, and Fauci are the villains leading the final act of destruction of Amerika.

Anthony Fauci, who is Trumps right hand man in administering this psychopathic psychological warfare against Americans, has provided a patina of medical rationale for concern over a condition which is otherwise known as the flu, respiratory disease, or absolutely nothing at all with his trumped up medical quackery known as the "novel" corona virus.

It is alleged to linger for hours if not days, weeks, and years and poses such a lethal threat that any mask - any mask at all - will protect you from its deadly vice grip. But you can take it off to eat at a public restaurant because the "virus" knows not get near you while you are eating.

The goons at the CIA had so much fun inventing the germophobic Howard Hughes send-up that it thought that it would make all of Amerika suffer the germophobic hysteria which Hughes allegedly suffered in his last days, the only problem being that the CIA murdered him c. 1959 - not 1976.

Bill Gates, who is a biological woman, has been studying vaccines for years and how he could fan some hairbrained fear to force everyone to be injected with the deadly toxins. His billionaire buddy Donald Trump keeps sounding the bell for vaccines as does his hand-picked master Fauci. Indeed the coronavirus prima donna and the Vaccine Company, sometimes known as the Center for Disease Control, have a long history of conspiracy to make every ill in the world the subject of a vaccine cure.

Fauci literally imprisoned Barbara Mikovitz for daring to publish that vaccines were associated with risks, some of which could be lethal. For this he destroyed her career as very respected medical researcher. We don't need no stinkin' science around here because we can always channel Lysenko and Howard Hughes all at the same time.

Fauci was filmed warning in January 2017 that the Trump administration would be engulfed in an epic health crisis which is why those with a lick of sense realize that coronavirus was a plandemic. And whom did Trump chose as his leading man to propagate this bogeyman and terrorize Americans with fear of death? It was none other than his good old pal Anthony Fauci - the same man who preached the quackery that HIV causes AIDS - a fallacy which Dr Peter Duesberg demolished beyond repair.

Gates travels the world to infect children and adults with his noxious toxins - many of which cause death - because she has invested so heavily in the companies and technologies which deliver death. The Ebola charade was just a dress rehearsal for coronavirus. What better way to eliminate 90% of the world's population than to fool them into thinking that they can save themselves with a serum of mercury, aluminum, and sulfides.

There are some who paint Trump as an undercover hero. I have ripped his mask off. He is co-conspirator in a deadly game to destroy permanently the health and freedom of Americans by forcing them to done a mask in the name of a lie. So the man who cries over the fake news is the uberneister of lies and fakery.

Masks are required to incite fear, self-loathing, self-fear, suspicion of others. It divides and hides. It makes everyone look like a terrorist - something to fear and hate. It makes everyone look like a Muslim woman - something to despise and hate. Next comes the veil - you don't deserve to be seen - you are scum. Oh - and follow 6 feet behind,.

We have explained time and again that you can't "catch a virus." It is an absurdity and imbecility to suppose that one can be infected with a virus. Viruses are produced by the human body as cell specific solvents to eliminate wastes and toxins which the body's bacteria cannot dispose. Supposing that viruses cause disease is like supposing that shadows cause the sun to shine. Such people conflate that disappearance with non-existence.

The billionaires have united against the peons, and they have won.

Copyright 2020 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.


Tony Bonn said...

PS - arriving from is this gem video

and the site from it comes is

Vernon Coleman is delightful old brit medical doctor with immense common sense and insight.

We are not alone in declaiming the coronavirus a total hoax, scam, and fraud.

Tony Bonn said...

Dr Coleman outdid us. Whereas we have called the fools wearing masks masktards, the inimitable dr coleman likened them to wearing half a bra on their faces. Dr coleman is a strong breeze of fresh air and wit.