Sunday, July 26, 2020

Are American Molesters and Perverts Finally Being Brought to Justice?

[Publisher's note 7/28/2020: if you have found this Chronicle, it is surely a miracle. CIA-Google has shut it down completely either to protect the molesters or perhaps because of our impolitic observation that the list of perpetrators below consists largely or entirely of Jews.]

Over the last year or so, some of America's most vicious child pornographers have been brought to some sort of justice with the most recent catch being Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of US enemy and Mossad agent Robert Maxwell, himself found face down floating in a river in 1991.

These Chronicles were in the vanguard alerting its dear readers to the horrific and satanic rituals with which these monsters tortured and murdered children. Whether it was scumbag George Bush, John Podesta, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry King, or some other malevolent psychopath, we called out the vicious crimes these rich and powerful  people perpetrated against children. There were even times when we were uncertain as to how credible the stories of abuse and murder were. But the latest arrest of Maxwell confirms it in spades.

While we focused on politicians, we would be remiss if we did not call out the sanctimonious, hypocritical, murderous celebrities of Hollywood, many of whom are A-list darlings of the American boob who worships these POS.

Harvey Weinstein and Jeffery Epstein were canaries in the coal mine whose arrests pointed to more interesting visitors to Pleasure Island which was a place of torture and abuse of children by the Rich and Famous of Hollywood and Washington.

Some of the names who visited - and many visited often - include the following:
  • Prince Andrew (though his sicko mother may never have visited, Buckingham Palace is one sadistic hell with children's bones having been found outside the walls of the palace)
  • Bill Clinton
  • Barack Obama
  • Chelsea Handler
  • Chrissy Teagan
  • John Cussack
  • John Legend
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Lynn Forester de Rothschild (close friend of Hillary Clinton and 9/11 co-conspirator)
  • Madonna
  • Meryl Streep
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Steven Corvair
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Tom Hanks
As far as we know, most if not all of the people on this list are Jews - even the ones you don't think are Jews.

The manners and methods of the deaths of so many children to serve the pleasures of these rich and famous psychopaths would make a normal person pass out.

Mel Gibson is about the only famous celebrity to have called crap on this evil and survive. Most actors who have dared utter this wickedness have had "accidents."

This story may only be beginning. On the other hand, many of the arrested have left court with a slap on the wrist and returned to their predatory murders and molestations. We pray that this time will be different.

Copyright 2020 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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