Monday, October 4, 2021

The Immoral, Murderous Psychopathy of Twitter

Twitter desecrates obituary with its lies
The immoral, murderous psychopathy of Twitter knows no bounds. There is no shred of decency at that demonic organization, proven by the fact that it flagged the obituary of a young mother who died from the bioweapon.

The vileness of that criminal enterprise is infuriating, and we will take great joy when its management is executed by military tribunals, though unfortunately we are not there yet - but it is coming.

Twitter has already shown its arrogance by censoring President Trump who is now suing the behemoth for such actions. But to desecrate the death and memory of a young mother of two goes beyond the pale - matching something which could only be found in the sickening Talmud.

Jessica Berg Wilson was a 37 year old beautiful mother of 2 children who took the bioweapon so that she could be a room mother at her children's school. She subsequently died of thrombotic thrombocytopenia caused by the bioweapon on September 7, 2021.

Twitter thinks that it is so precious following "CDC guidelines" which are intentionally genocidal, yet there are still federal regulations requiring that "vaccine" related adverse events be reported to the VAERS database. This information is used ostensibly to assess the safety and effectiveness of the "vaccine." A congressman has called for investigations for the suppression of this information by health officials.

The woman died from the "vaccine." Even if she had not, wouldn't one, for the sake of science, want to capture this information for research and analysis - even if for no other reason than to disprove the assumption? Is Twitter afraid that we might get too much information? Is it afraid that its lies are crumbling around them?

Given that millions of people have died from the "vaccine" and have been injured by it, the most natural conclusion would be that she died from the bioweapon. An honest qualified pathologist could make the final determination. As these Chronicles have reported, thrombosis is a well known side effect of the bioweapon due to the spike proteins. The relationship is well established. It is not a misleading statement to conclude cause and effect. Nor is it misleading to state the cause of death!

Sadly, Mrs Wilson was adamantly opposed to the "vaccines" but succumbed to the pressure of the school which is itself a murder gulag.

In response to Twitter's claims that the side effects are uncommon, we say that it doesn't matter. When is too much too much? How many more people have to suffer from this bioweapon before the Twitter psychopaths STFU? How would Twitter even know that the side effects are uncommon when hospitals refuse to report them to VAERS as required by federal law? Isn't one death one too many? But we have millions of them and the genocide artists still push and administer them? America's elite are sick.

The fraud of Twitter is even more infuriating when one realizes that VAERS will not include anyone who was injured or killed within the first 15 days of assault by the bioweapon. Lost data is lost science.

Finally, in response to Twitter's misinformation, there have been more confirmed deaths from the bioweapon than all previous "vaccine" releases in FDA history, and one flu vaccine for N1H1 was terminated after just 5 deaths. VAERS's misinformation numbers exceed 15,000 deaths yet the genocidists are still pushing the bioweapon.

It is so sad that Mrs Wilson did not remove her children from these vicious public schools and home school or educate them in a safe private environment.

We have said that the bioweapon is an IQ test, and unfortunately this good mother of two children did not rise to the challenge and was hampered by the misleading information and lies of Twitter.

Close your Twitter accounts. Use Telegram or some other free speech platform.

Libby Emmons, Twitter tags obituary of woman 'misleading' who reportedly died from 'vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia',, October 3, 2021, source(Twitter tags obituary of woman 'misleading' who reportedly died from 'vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia' | The Post Millennial, accessed 10/4/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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