Friday, May 7, 2021

JFK and the Federal Reserve

Conspiracy researchers have often pointed to President Kennedy's antagonisms toward the privately owned Federal Reserve as a cause of his murder on November 22, 1963 in Dallas' Dealey Plaza. While there is a kernel of truth to that observation, it is usually muddled with reference to his famous Executive Order 11110 and silver certificates which are notoriously misunderstood. We have learned that there is much more to the story.

We covered the Executive Order in a previous Chronicle based upon G Edward Griffin's analysis on this widely misunderstood decree. To sum up briefly, the major intent of the order was to delegate the authority for the issuance of silver certificates and silver sales to the Secretary of the Treasury. Prior to this, the president was often imposed upon to provide a pro forma signature for their issuance or silver transactions. These notes were issued by the Treasury rather than the privately owned Federal Reserve.

The main point was that there were no silver certificates actually issued on authority of the president, and thus it was not a salvo fired on the Fed. 

Subsequently, partisans would show examples of Treasury issued notes as proof that Kennedy was indeed interested in wresting control of the money away from the Federal Reserve.

However, such notes were issued well into Johnson's elected term for, as Michael Collins Piper explains, federal law demanded that a certain level of United States Notes be maintained in circulation. Federal law from 1878 required that the Treasury circulate 322,539,016 USD at all times. 

So the United States Notes were simply compliance with a somewhat archaic law. Unfortunately the law was honored in the breach because, although they were printed, they were kept in the Treasury vault to collect dust.

However, there is more to the story than thusly told. Piper relates that DeWest Hooker stated that the Kennedys planned to move against the Federal Reserve in his second term. In a meeting which the Hollywood agent had with John's father Joseph, the latter called the Federal Reserve
'"the Rothschild-dominated Federal Reserve."'

Clearly Joe had no fond regard for the privately owned Federal Reserve, instead wanting to return the money to the people, issued without interest.

If the International Jews were aware of this intent, they probably would have walked into the Oval Office and shot him on the spot. Had Kennedy succeeded in achieving the destruction, or perhaps Treasury control, of the Federal Reserve, we would have hailed him as a god.

Michael Collins Piper, Final Judgment, America First Books, 6th Edition, 2d printing, 2005, source(Microsoft Word - Final_Judgment_x_Build_20 (, accessed 5/7/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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