Sunday, April 4, 2021

Killing the Khazar Theory

Long time readers of these Chronicles may recall our endorsement of the Khazarian theory which supposes that modern Jewry owes its existence to a melding of ethnic and religious forces which divorced itself from the traditional Levantine source around the 10th century or so. We have since been taken to the Khazarian woodshed, finding that the theory is more Jewish hokum.

To restate the thesis a bit more elaborately, the Khazars were a group of Mongoloid-Turkic tribes who coalesced into a regional power in the Eurasian Caucuses during the 7th to 10th centuries AD. The belief further supposes that the Khazars in want of a religion, adopted Judaism, thus creating a non-ethnically Jewish host for its religion. Somehow this created a divorcement between race and religion.

This belief was directly or indirectly supported by such scientists as Eran Elhaik of John Hopkins University, and other Jewish "thinkers" who had argued since the 1970s that Jewish identity is more a question of religion than of race. Unfortunately for the believers, this theory does not have scientific foundation.

As Dr David Duke noted in a 2015 article, referenced below, the overwhelming conclusions of genetic studies are that Jews form a distinct racial species, even though admixtures of host nation DNA have infiltrated their genome. The focus of the studies are the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews who together constitute the majority of Jews worldwide. In Israel, the Sephardic Jews are about 50% of the population.

Jews have tried to have it both ways. On the one hand, they are a racial minority who uses the race card in a dizzying array of claims of persecutions. On the other hand, they claim that they are merely a religious sect who is also unfairly persecuted, railing against the establishment of religion.

Duke noted that Israel uses DNA testing as a basis for determining which immigrants are Jews and thus who will be granted entry and citizenship. Thus the issue is settled decisively that Jews are a distinct race. By observing that even atheists are considered Jews, it is nigh unto impossible to argue that religion is a basis for Jewish identification - unless your are an adept Talmudist - in which case anything is possible and impossible at the same time.

But it is the Jewish religion which is the cancer and cause of so much death and destruction around the world and throughout time. The Jewish god demands that its adherents, his chosen people, annihilate all peoples who stand in the way of their possession of the promised land. In fact Saul lost the throne for failure to utterly destroy the vile goyim as Jehova/Yaweh commanded them.

From this, Duke documents the many laments the Romans expressed about the Jews as an unassimilable and trouble causing population throughout the empire, forcing Rome to expel them from numerous provinces and from the empire itself.

The atrocities Jews committed have continued unabated to the present as one can see in their hatred for the Palestinians, and the heavy roles they played in fomenting World Wars 1 and 2, plus a host of cultural demolitions against the Germans after World War 1, and the Western world in general after World War 2. Their cultural trash is reprehensible.

Returning to the studies, Duke enumerates 12, conducted often collaboratively between Jews, Aryans, and none of the above, showing that Ashkenazi Jews form a distinct racial species based upon DNA characteristics, though they have about 30% admixture of European genes. The Sephardic Jews are even more distinct with greater purity. These DNA constellations correlate well with the traditional Jewish groups in the Levant. Thus Jews are first and foremost a distinct racial group, a fact which coupled with their religion, impels them to destroy anything which is non-Jewish, the most important target being the white races - especially the Germans.

One of the reasons for their racial continuity, of course, is their endogamous practices, again found in the Jewish scriptures. Everything which their host nations valued, the Jews contradicted, which explains their endless laws which perversely antagonize their host peoples, one example of which is the demand that all foods be kosher. Although the ancient Romans clearly saw the problem, the modern Aryans are far too simple minded to see it, which is one reason why the Jews refer to non-Jews as goyim - cattle.

This ultra-hatred is legendary, finding its teachings in the Torah and Talmud, only the latter of which is supremely authoritative. To quote Duke

It was, after all, the former chief rabbi of the Sephardic Jews in Israel who announced that Gentiles are donkeys, created by God only to serve Jews, among many other overtly racist comments. This ultra racist Jew, Rabbi Yosef, recently died and had the largest funeral in the history of Israel.

Israel is a theocracy of sorts, meaning that its religious leaders have the final say on what is acceptable Jewish behavior and praxis. So the pronouncements of Rabbi Yosef are not without consequence, something which the Palestinians experience on a daily basis - as does the West as it fights Jewish wars of imperial aggression.

Returning to the Elhaik article we had originally lauded, Duke points out its fundamental flaw - that there are no Khazar reference populations against which to argue that modern Jews are Khazarian descendants. Even if they existed, it would hardly matter since racial identity is based upon genetic characteristics, not lineal or legacy ones related to geography.

The Khazar theory is not required to nullify Jewish claims on Arab lands. Such thefts should be naturally abhorrent to normal people. The Torah is a fantasy promulgated to justify thefts, even 2 millennia after the alleged fact. Their psychopathic god and racial features are the bases for granting Jews a patent to terrorize the world or the Arabs in the Middle East.

While we have been served a heaping helping of humble pie, there is still more to the story to explain the virulent hatred which Jews have toward the Aryans. That story is to be continued and does involve the Jewish god and genetics.

David Duke, Rethinking the Khazar Theory, National Vanguard, June 7, 2015, source(Rethinking the Khazar Theory | National Vanguard, accessed 4/4/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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