Sunday, March 7, 2021

How Face Masks Cause Cancer

We have inveighed against the use of face masks as useless, stupid, and criminal, but new calamities caused by masks have crossed our desk, which deserves to be passed to the couple dozens of people who understand our warnings. Everyone else can plaster his face with window caulking to keep the "germs" out.

To recap, we have noted that masks are ineffective and dangerous. Every major health official in 2020 conceded the point, but the World Health Organization still demanded that masks be mandatory because it gave people a sense that they were doing something to help. Of course the only thing that they are helping is their own enslavement. And now you know why Jews consider non-Jews cattle - goy - guys.

We are not trying to use the appeal-to-authority argument, but simply short circuiting the reference to innumerable studies - long before "COVID-2019" - showing that masks have no effectiveness in stopping particles as small as the alleged novel corona virus. We of course have expatiated at length that germ and viral theories upon which corona-scam rests are discredited 19th century hogwash.

As to the harms of masks, we noted that they were well studied by OSHA and other researchers in decades past as being toxic and lethal. Yes, I said lethal. The harms come from asphyxia, hypoxia, and hypercapnia, which cause serious oxygen deficits which lead to blood clots, heart attacks, respiratory disease, asthma, and, yes, death.

We can now add cancer to the diseases caused by masks. Guy Crittenden, former editor of the award winning journal HazMat Management, reported that most masks, especially the ubiquitous blue masks, are treated with Teflon, Ethylene Oxide, or PTFE which are carcinogenic substances.

Crittenden also repeated the point we have made previously that OSHA has adamantly insisted that masks were "never!" designed to be worn for extended periods of times. He also noted that masks also cause wearers to recycle toxins and wastes back into the body, echoing Dr Blaylock's reporting from studies showing that these reentrant toxins can enter the brain, causing even more damage than the initial somatic versions.

For those who contend that physicians wear them all day, Crittenden avers quite the opposite. He states that they are worn for limited time, and that operating rooms are pumped with extra oxygen because, as we have noted above, masks induce oxygenic deficits which are injurious to health. Teachers have been reporting accelerating cases of sickness and injuries due to constant mask wearing.

The evil parents who force their children to wear face masks are contributing to their children's brain and lung damage, to which they are susceptible at such delicate periods in their developments.

Masks were never about health, public or private. Masks are face muzzles for the goy, the cattle, who are so stupid that they deserve the harms of face masks. That is for what stupid people are made.

Guy Crittenden, Is That Mask Giving You Lung Cancer?, Human News Network, October 21, 2020, accessed( Is Your Mask Giving You Lung Cancer? – Human News Network (, 3/7/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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