Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Coronavirus Angel of Death

Corona-hysteria has not subsided since the great fear Wurlitzer started spinning its great disks of numbing and freezing fear. The fear is meant to draw attention away from the vile plot to murder people under the guise of an inscrutable disease labeled novel coronavirus.

The latest episode of abject terror was Michigan congresswoman Haley Stevens who on March 27 delivered in the US House of Representatives a shrill, histrionic outburst of unfettered dread to scare Americans into submission to the totalitarian regime of the United States supported by the quackery of the medical establishment, led by the incompetent Anthony Fauci.

One of the main themes from Stevens was her gratitude to the medical establishment, a clever way to endorse its malevolent nostrums. Fauci is the incompetent doctor who advocated the HIV-AIDS hypothesis which stipulates that HIV, a retrovirus, causes AIDS, something which Dr Peter Duesberg refuted eloquently, brilliantly, and utterly.

Fauci is back peddling the same discredited quackery which he is now hellbent on rolling out to the entire world, namely the idea that everyone needs perpetual treatment for coronavirus, just as homosexual men are fettered to the various PrEP like treatments to protect themselves from an imaginary HIV threat. Of course all of this is easily facilitated by a totalitarian police state.

But the goal here is even darker - to bring unnecessary deaths to those who fall into the hands of the coronavirus death angel.

As we and others have reported previously, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that coronavirus is contagious, or that it is pathogenic. In fact we reported some good evidence that it is not. But this is not to deny that many have illnesses or have been reported as ill. And yet we must remember that many alleged victims are nothing but crisis actors - the same kind we saw at Sandy Hook and the many mass shootings staged by the US government and news media.

The logic is that someone is ill or has died and he had coronavirus fragments; therefore he died from coronavirus. The evidence in China for a pandemic was a couple of electron microscope samples of cells which had a few fragments of what is alleged to be SARS-CoV-2. How is a pandemic built upon what may be less than a handful of slides with cherry picked cells? This is not science - it is a malevolent manipulation of non-evidence to create a panic.

Furthermore, as Jon Rappaport points out in his excellent articles, the PCR test has no way of indicating whether the virus is active or exists in sufficient quantities in the body's cells to be pathogenic.

As the Italian study we cited elsewhere showed, all of the decedents alleged to have coronavirus had pre-existing serious chronic illnesses; 49% had 3 or more such conditions. It is therefore impossible to attribute causality to coronavirus.

But once this observation was discovered by the death machine, it trotted out alleged cases of people dying with no serious health conditions. Did the treatments administered kill them off?

Rappaport also reported that the CDC even admits that the presence of SARS-CoV-2 does not prove pathogenicity. But the great fear Wurlitzer must be raised many decibels to inaugurate the police state.

The commonly used RT-PCR simply manufactures DNA through artificial doubling of reverse transcripted DNA a certain number of times. With enough cycles, somewhere around 60, everyone has it. If you have antibodies for coronavirus, it means that you are immune to it. But as with HIV, Fauci has turned medical science on its head by claiming that such people have the virus and are vulnerable to it. Quite the opposite is true. If you have antibodies for a virus, it means that at one time you had the virus, but are now immune.

So we come to the issue of people overrunning hospitals with this dread disease. Without names and clean evidence, I don't buy the allegation that this is the case, especially given the representative from Michigan's much too much protestation..

But even if the hospitals are being overrun, it is because people with otherwise well understood conditions - eg pneumonia - are being labeled as coronavirus victims, and thus as lepers. So if you have pneumonia, and a PCR test doubles the DNA matter enough times to find a coronavirus fragment, you are then said to have a condition caused by coronavirus and thus rushed to a ventilator and administered ribavirin which will lower your blood cell count and kill you. Voila, you have Fauci-Care.

As we noted previously, there are environmental factors to explain illness, particularly in Italy, Iran, South Korea, and China, namely in the forms of massive air pollution and 5G radiation. Those complaining of symptoms, which could be from many causes, are simply tested for DNA material which may or may not be active, declared to have coronavirus, then treated with something no more sophisticated than blood letting.

This development marks the burial of the republic which died on November 22, 1963. The psychopaths are completely in control and there are fewer exits from the nightmare. The evil Nurse Hunnicut and Dr Kevorkian rule us all.

Jon Rappaport, CDC begins testing Americans for the CoronaVirus—but how?, Liberty Beacon, February 18, 2020, accessed 3/28/2020

Jon Rappaport, OP-ED: Coronavirus: How a Rational CDC Scientist Would Think, if One Existed,, March 13, 2020, accessed 3/28/2020

Jon Rappaport, Epidemic: quarantining real science,, March 20, 2020, accessed 3/28/2019

Copyright 2020 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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