Sunday, April 7, 2019

On a New Origin of Species

While The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin will continue to trundle down the road of historical debris for years to come, it is time to consider a radically different explanation of the origins of the human species.

Evolution has adherents who are as rabidly fanatic about their religion of ontology as the most fundamentalist Bible thumper, many of whom sport impressive credentials from prestigious universities. Unfortunately, modern science, of all sources, has cast more doubts and aspersions on the threadbare theory as it has advanced its understanding of biology and many allied sciences, as if not having a missing link weren't trouble enough.

It is not our purpose to enumerate the many fallacies of evolution, but we refer the reader to the late Lloyd Pye and his book Everything You Know Is Still Wrong to read a detailed precis about evolution's many "issues."

Neither a Creationist nor Evolutionist, Pye offers a condensed recapitulation of the late Zecharia Stichin's works which advanced the case that humans were the result of genetic engineering between a form of homo erectus and an interplanetary race known as the Anunnaki whose sojourn on earth covered a few hundred thousand years during which they created man.

The main premise of Stichin's work is that the Sumerian documents which describe these events should be read as historical narrative rather than as myth. As have others, Pye shows that many Biblical stories have their origins in these Sumerian texts, the Great Flood being the most obvious example.

So rather than being an original document, the Bible is seen as a derivative work in many respects, including its account of the creation of mankind which Pye and Stichin claim is a misreading of the original Sumerian source documents.

Many evolutionists have been intrigued - or persuaded of their beliefs - based upon the high degree of DNA similarity between man and ape, said to be anywhere from 98-99% depending upon how one counts DNA material. But the persistent lack of an evolutionary link between early hominoid forms and man - even the primitive Cro Magnon - exposes a large gap which might be closed by the introduction of genetic engineering rather than vastly miniscule probabilities of chance chemical combinations.

This level of scientific experimentation was not something to be completed within months or even centuries. Pye shows that major appearances of leaps in hominoids leading to man correspond well with both the fossil and Sumerian records which require 200-300 thousand years to complete.

Further evidence of advanced interference in earth history comes from the sudden appearance of the Sumerian civilization - almost out of nowhere, having advanced features in the areas of water management, sewage, and irrigation; agriculture, government, law, science, and a host of other achievements frequently associated with the modern world.

This theory of origins also provides explanations for the extraordinary engineering feats evidenced by the great pyramids, Goebekli Tepi, Stonehenge, and the numerous pyramids found all over the world. In other words, only a highly advanced people could produce these impressive monuments which still stand today.

While additional research and analysis may modify many of the details of the genetic engineering proposal, it has much more going for it than either of the 2 major ontology religions of Creationism and Evolution.

Lloyd Pye, Everything You Know Is Still Wrong, 

Copyright 2019 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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