Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Implosion of the Biden Administration

Although it might be too generous to speak of Joe Biden as having an administration since he was denied access to the White House January 20, 2021, nonetheless his illegal "presidency" is a total charade produced by the newsfakers led by CNN. Even more disturbing are reports that Biden is mentally incompetent and in need of removal by the 25th amendment to the Constitution.

Shocking video of Biden in an interview shows an extremely feeble minded man with even less mental acuity than a shopping cart server at Walmart.

Of course he bears no resemblance to the Biden one usually sees staging brief appearances, and very abbreviated press conferences of which there have been very few. In the film footage above which ran for 6 minutes, Biden does not say a single word - he is bewildered, lost, and vacant.

A bevy of crisis actors have played Biden as the occasion requires, including one instance where he is seen passing his hand through a microphone. The alleged reporters waiting for the unaccompanied, unprotected Biden approaching on a walkway are quiet and unseen even though the camera is right behind them. How can this be? It can only be possible as part of a staged computer generated graphical charade.

The use of masks also helps obscure the identity of the actor playing Biden. One of the doppelgangers is Arthur Roberts, an 82 year old actor cast in a 1982 Ninja movie.

David Zublick reported in March 2021 that Biden is under heavy sedation. At different times, Zublick has stated that Biden is at the White House replica in Atlanta or at the Walter Reed Medical Hospital in Washington. Either way he is incapacitated and has no ability to function as president let alone as a potted plant.

Biden's incapacity raises the question of who is running the government. All we can say is that the CCP Deep State is running operations, proving that the president is merely a front for the globalists as was the case for Soetoro. Several reports, including those of Zublick, insist that Donald Trump is the defacto president operating out of Mar-a-Lago. Under no circumstance does Biden have the nuclear codes.

It is not clear if the foreign born Harris will be sworn in as fake president, or if arrangements will be made for another succession.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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