Thursday, August 19, 2021

How Do I Kill Thee? Let Me Count the Ways

The experimental "COVID" drug which most people call a "vaccine" is a murder weapon. It is so complete in its destruction that there is no escape from it. We will briefly outline again its pathologies.

The vaccine contains 4 known lethal toxins, and probably others of which we are unaware:
  1. Graphene Oxide - causes brain wasting, magnetism, glowing
  2. Spike proteins - causes autoimmune responses, clotting, organ failure
  3. Lipid shells or liposomes with toxins - causes infertility, miscarriage, and erectile dysfunction
Graphene oxide can be neutralized or removed from the body using a protocol we have published in these Chronicles.

The spike proteins are a different matter. In fact the DNA altering technology used in the "vaccine" sets up factories to continually produce them. Contrary to what lying medical professionals tell you, the spike proteins do not stay in the muscle, and do circulate throughout the body leading to organ failure and death.

We have given our readers a correct and bleeding edge definition of viruses which explains the so-called delta variant. As an aside, according to pathologist Dr Ryan Cole, the "vaccine" is not targeted for "delta variant" and is thus ineffective. But the short answer to the point is that the "vaccine" is the cause of the "delta variant".

To review, a virus is an organic non-living, non-reproducing protein produced by the host encoded with the host's DNA and RNA. This definition is absolutely foundational to understanding viruses and what the "vaccine" is doing.

The spike proteins - did you notice the word protein? - are populated as high as 50 billion per shot as opposed to less than 10,000 in a traditional "vaccine". The body sees these protein as foreign bodies. Why, you ask? The answer is that they are not encoded with your RNA and DNA. A virus is produced by your body and by your body only. You CANNOT infect someone else with your viruses. Your viruses are produced to destroy toxins in your body.

Thus, the delta variant is simply the virus the body produces in response to the homicidal "vaccine" which people have taken. The body does not recognize the alien spike proteins, and thus attacks them with another virus which liars call the "delta variant."

Why would anyone take a "vaccine" for a condition which is 100% curable with completely safe medicines and supplements? The only reason is to commit suicide. Otherwise, there is absolutely no reason for a "vaccine."

The spike protein also causes clotting and thus strokes and heart attacks.

The "vaccines" are not curable with today's technology. Some of the most highly "vaccinated" groups are medical professionals. They will be among the first to die. The hospital administrators have not taken these "vaccines" by and large because they know the consequence; yet they force their staffs to do so.

When the medical professionals die en masse starting this winter, there will be no one to care for those dying from the "vaccines." Even the mortuaries and crematoria will be over burdened. This prediction is not fear porn. It is a wakeup call to prepare for the Angel of Death.

Postscript 8/19/2021: CDC Director Wallensky finally admitted, after lying through her teeth for months, the "vaccine" causes "Increased risk of severe disease amongst those vaccinated early." This statement represents even more lying. These people are on death row, and it isn't just the early victims who took the experimental "vaccine" because they were "following CDC guidelines." Her idea of "severe disease" is death.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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