Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Toxic, Unsanitary, Useless Face Masks

Face masks are unsanitary, toxic, and dangerous for general wear, and only have value in clinical settings for specific usage. For normal healthy people, they are useless or worse.

The World Health Organization, which is a functional arm of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has conceded that masks are not effective in the spread of respiratory viruses, yet it lobbies hard for their universal usage, not for health reasons, but for those related to psychological warfare and subjugation.

Before proceeding, we assure our regular readers that we do not believe that viruses can be communicated under any normal circumstance. Viruses are not infectious. We are simply considering the logistics of moving a particle from one source to another - such as from person to person.

The coronavirus is .06 to .14 microns. N95 masks can filter particles as small as .3 microns. So clearly there is a wide berth for coronavirus microbes to enter through masks. However, since many of the particles are attached to respiratory droplets which are typically 5-10 microns in diameter, smaller particles may be trapped in the mask - until dislodged, perhaps through evaporation of moisture or collision with larger particles.

According to Dr Mercoloa:
Lab testing6 has shown 3M surgical masks can block up to 75% of particles measuring between 0.02 microns and 1 micron, while cloth masks block between 30% and 60% of respiratory particles of this size.
Most people do not wear 3M surgical masks, and even if they did, they are still allowing particles into their respiratory system. So not even surgical masks block all particles, and the coronavirus is well within the size range of the unstopped particles.

(As an aside, however, the respiratory system is quite effective in blocking particles from reaching the interior of the body - we have our own natural mask system which requires no augmentation under the circumstances we are discussing. But we are arguing from the viewpoint of the ignorant)

Since so many people are petrified of even one germ particle, we can only imagine the nightmares they would suffer if they knew how flimsy their masks are. But as WHO says, it makes them feel good. But as we shall see, even that is not the case.

Quoting an article in the Center for Disease Control's Emerging Infectious Diseases, Dr Mercola quotes 
"Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza."
The main point is that there is no scientific evidence substantiating the effectiveness of masks for influenza - which is essentially what coronavirus represents - and there is absolutely no evidence in the case of coronavirus. Thus the CDC is making policy and dictatorial decrees without evidence - it  is using whim and autocracy.

WHO even acknowledges that masks require proper usage and protocol to be effective, something to which only the most rabidly fanatic extremists adhere.

Dr Mercola cites other harms to wearing masks as documented by the WHO:
  • Self-contamination due to the manipulation of the mask by contaminated hands or not changing the mask when wet, soiled or damaged
  • General discomfort, as well as facial skin lesions, irritant dermatitis or worsening acne
  • False sense of security that may reduce adherence to other well recognized preventive measures such as hand hygiene
  • Disadvantages for or difficulty wearing them by specific vulnerable populations such as those with mental health disorders, developmental disabilities, the deaf and hard of hearing community, and children
  • Difficulty wearing them in hot and humid environments
And yet these are not the most insidious effects of masks. They are highly toxic, inducing hypoxia through carbon dioxide suffocation. We have reported Dr Coleman's citations of 2 hypoxia induced deaths among boys wearing masks, and a woman who passed out while driving with mask causing a crash and as I recall a death or two.

Mercola points to experiments showing that a variety of face masks elevate local carbon dioxide levels to 8500 parts per million, well above OSHA's toxic level of 5000 ppm.

Quoting Mercola:
Carbon dioxide levels between 2,000 ppm and 5,000 ppm are associated with headaches, sleepiness, poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate and slight nausea. The maximum permissible daily exposure limit is 5,000 ppm.
Finally there are the many toxins inherent in a face mask which may result in long term respiratory and general health problems, including but not limited to asthma and blood clotting.

So people are happily embracing the destruction of their healths for absolutely no good reason. As we have iterated time and again, you cannot "catch a virus" or communicate one. The usage of masks adds insult to injury including death.

So even if you suffer the effects of flu like symptoms, is risking death really worth it in a vain attempt to avoid it. Viruses do not cause illness. Illness triggers viruses.

Viruses are organic non-living, non-reproducing proteins which are cell-specific productions of the cells to protect against toxins and wastes. They are encoded with the body's RNA and DNA and are thus host friendly while destroying toxins.

Dr Joesph Mercola, WHO Admits: No Direct Evidence Mask Prevent Viral Infection, GreenMedInfo,, August , 2020, accessed 8/5/2020

Copyright 2020 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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