Monday, August 3, 2020

The Second Coming of Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler may be in his grave in Argentina, but his protégé took the oath of office on January 20, 2017. Neither Trump hater nor lover has a clue why we liken the current president to the former chancellor of Germany.

Hitler is hopelessly misunderstood, thanks in large measure to the non-stop Jewish propaganda "documentaries" and "histories" which vilify him endlessly. He deserves to be hated, but not for the reasons so often given.

Hitler was put in power by powerful Jewish plutocrats who wanted another war to fully subjugate and destroy Germany. The first war was a start, but it was somewhat inconclusive. Even though Germany lost no territory in the first world war, it was required to cede lands as part of the Jewish Versailles Treaty.

The occupation of Germany and control of its wealth provided the perfect springboard from which to launch the career of the new Fuhrer who lifted Germany from its humiliation to a great power once again. He did so with bravado, histrionics, and pomp. It was a rather tawdry affair, but it worked for the times.

The purpose for the fanatical nationalism was to create a caricaturistic strawman for future critics to attack ceaselessly. With the bellicose cries of Aryanism, Hitler would forever blackwash the white race with the disgraces of defeat, and the lies of genocidalism which went with it.

By creating euphoria and authentically good works, Hitler assured that the Germans would follow him into a war which he could not escape - especially with the 3 leading Jews of the allied powers - Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Josef Stalin. Hitler was leading the lambs to the slaughter.

In a similar vein, Trump has tapped into a vein of great discontent and frustration which ordinary Americans have toward the liberal establishment, and their economic losses as jobs and capital are sent overseas.

Just as Hitler had his youth movement, Trump has a movement known as Q Anon, a group of patriots led by a faceless band of leaders who keep exhorting their followers to be patient and trust the plan.

Trump, too, is a creature of Jewish plutocrats, playing the patriot just as Hitler did. But the real Trump is playing his mentor who is crushing that very movement - and that was his purpose for being so strident and brash about "making America great again."  He was placing a honey pot. Their slogan is "Where we go one, we go all."

Just as the senior leadership of the Nazi party was Jewish, so is the leadership of Trump's cabal. He has teamed with Anthony Fauci who is the Dr Lysenko of our day. Fauci was an important Clinton apparatchik who jailed without trial Judy Mikovitz when she published information which could contradict his rabid vaccine jihad.

Fauci announced in January 2017 that the Trump administration would face a health crisis of epic proportions. Just how would anyone know that informaton 3 years in advance except that it were scripted, planned, and micromanaged? In the meantime, Trump collaborators created the Russia collusion farce and campaign spying scandal to further enthuse his followers that he was the victim of the swamp - barely hanging on for dear life.

When Trump attempted to defy some of the scare mongering stirred up by the press concerning coronavirus, Trump's hand picked public health advisor quickly corrected or reprimanded him. Thus would the two engage in a number of good cop/bad cop charades - enough to keep the president's supporter hopeful, but also enough back pedaling to demoralize them. In other words, the economy would be shut down, again, and again, and again. Everyone would be compelled to wear a disgusting mask - not to just injure their healths - but to destroy their egos and person. We have expanded at length about the endless frauds associated with coronavirus and the completely junk medicine which the quack doctor has used to bamboozle the imbecilic public. The masks are insult to injury - and very unhealthy.

The great catch phrase of this drama has been, "We're all in this together," essentially the same slogan as the Q Anon group. Thus it is Trump's job to meld the potentially troublesome patriots into the fold of the obsequious sheep whose only question is how tight they should tie their masks.

Trump's selection of Fauci was a firm affirmation to his handlers, Bill Gates, George Soros, the Rothschilds, and other scum of this world, that he was following the plan and not betraying them. 

Trump stated that he only wanted one term, and indeed that is all he is getting - by his own choice. His job is to betray patriots into submission to the New World Order. We have stated before that there is no way that a nation of unemployed masktards would ever elect an incumbent president. Reagan argued the misery index - and it is large and loud in 2020. When second quarter annualized GDP collapsed 33%, it assured Biden his victory, or rather the presidency of his running mate. Plagiarist Biden will resign early in his term.

(Year to date collapse is almost 14%. If this doesn't remind you of Herbert Hoover, you need to re-read your history books.)

Not once has Trump - who made "You're fired" a byword - contradicted or even fired Fauci, meaning that he fully endorses his dictats to destroy the economy and ruin the lives of millions, assuring that they will go running into the arms of Joe "Stalin" Biden.

And to make sure his deceptions play in Peoria, Trump has artfully shown the China card - he's never played it and never will, but his foolish followers will project all kinds of meaning on it. The desperate Q Anons will desperately imbue their candidate with every virtue and excuse possible to rationalize his betrayal of them and their lost freedoms.

Just as Hitler fattened the calves for slaughter and then snuck out the back door to live a fabulous retirement in Argentina, so Trump will disappear back to his Tower, knowing full well that he completed his job. His half witted supporters will suffer the same fate as the Germans. George Soros will have realized his dream of destroying America.

Copyright 2020 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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