
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

One Minute Chronicle: More Global Warming Hoax

It has been a while since we have published a One Minute Chronicle, but we crossed some information worthy of publication - a chart showing the hoaxery of "Global Warming."

The argument is made that because some temperature fluctuates for a couple of years that a massive trend is under way to over heat or over cool the planet. Man is always at the center of the elitist complaints, so mass extermination is called for to correct the problem as Prince Phillip of the United Kingdom did when he implored that 90% of the world's population be destroyed because it is nothing but "eaters."

Global temperatures, if even such a concept is legitimate, point to regularly fluctuating temperatures with no material change. What goes up must come down. Yet no weather catastrophe of lasting significance, outside of  the ice age - when there were minimal humans - have been recorded over the past 2000 years as this chart attests. Where is the global warming or cooling?

And even if there were some global warming, no one has showed its harm. Yes lies and false data have been presented, but nothing amounting to scientific respectability as the referenced Breitbart article affirms.

In the northern hemisphere, temperatures have been warming, but I ask again, where is the catastrophe?

James Delingpole, DELINGPOLE: ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017, Bretibart, June 6, 2017, accessed: DELINGPOLE: 'Global Warming' Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017 (, 12/22/2020

Copyright 2020 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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