
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Why John Connally Was Shot

When we previously opined why John Connally was shot along with President Kennedy on November 22, 1963, we failed to consider the most obvious reason: he could identify the murderer.
As long time readers know, we have no patience for the idiotic notions that Lee Oswald killed anyone - a preposterous lie fabricated out of whole cloth by the Warren Commission to frame an innocent man. Therefore Oswald was not the man whom Connally could identify.
When addressing the subject previously, we thought that the murderers, which included George Herbert Walker Bush, wanted to remove a political obstacle in the upcoming governor's race. Although the idea is a reasonable conjecture, it is not viscerally sound - it does not provide the simplest explanation.
Connally was riding in the seat in front of the President. When the hail of bullets from around Dealey Plaza failed to murder the President, Kennedy's driver, William Greer, pulled over slightly to the left, pulled out his .45 caliber gun, and shot the president in the head. Connally, seated in front of the president, had a good view of the murderer and knew exactly what had happened. When he exclaimed that "they are going to kill both of us!" he knew what was going on as he had helped plan the devious trip and route used to ambush the president.
Since Greer had to finish the job, the assassins knew that they had to finish Connally lest his lips loosen to reveal dark secrets meant to remain hidden. For those who doubt that the plan to snuff out Connally could have been so quickly activated, please consider that it was either always part of the plan, or it was activated just in time through the sophisticated communications deployed by Collins Radio in Dealey Plaza. Umbrella Man was not standing by pumping his umbrella to keep stray sunbeams off his sensitive skin.
The plain fact is that Connally could identify Greer as the murderer. When the governor was taken to the hospital, he expressly instructed his local body guards to deny access to any Secret Service men to the hospital since he was deathly afraid that they would complete the job they had started on Elm Street.
We wish to thank Michael Gordon for leading us to this significant insight.

Copyright 2013 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.


  1. Yes I have struggled with the apparent disregard for Connally's safety but I have read that Senator Yarborough was supposed to be in Kennedy;s car and that he was a rival of LBJ. Lyndon tried to stop Connally from switching cars with Yarborough but had to bite his lip when Connally pulled rank.

  2. Yet Connally survived, and to my knowledge never identified Greer as one of the assassins. I can't say that I follow your logic, Mr. Bonn.

    I have also read of an account in Doug Horne's book, Inside the ARRB, that LBJ and JFK quarreled on the evening of November 21 about Connally riding in the presidential limo. LBJ was attempting to substitute his liberal Democratic rival Yarborough for his buddy John Connally (also known as LBJ - Lyndon's Boy John). JFK would not permit it because one of the purposes of his trip was to publicly unify a divided Texas Democratic Party in advance of the upcoming elections in 1964. He needed LBJ and Yarborough riding in the same car together behind him.

  3. looing for truth from connally is like looking for silver coins in circulation, if for no other reason than he was part of the plot.

    connally stated privately numerous times that the official story about the assassination was a crock, but claimed that "he loved his country too much to tell the truth." pass the gag bag please.

    he was also deathly afraid of the secret service, giving his own security personnel strict orders not to let them into the hospital or his room.

    connally's own stories about the assassination changed with the winds depending upon whether he was on tv, the warren commission, or life magazine.

    so no, commally wasn't going to point the finger, because doing so would lead to a "suicide" and exposure of his own culpability.


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