
Thursday, September 12, 2013

CIA Steals Gold From Safety Deposit Boxes

Jim Willie told his audience on a GoldSeek Live Webinar on September 9, 2013 that his sources have informed him that the CIA has warned banks not to interfere with its efforts to recover gold from safety deposit banks.
The news would be astonishing except for the recent bail-in of two Cyprus banks wherein the government confiscated deposits from "customers" in order to continue paying salaries and bonuses for banksters and to otherwise recapitalize the banks.
We received reports of massive safety deposit box confiscations in California a few years ago, which corroborates the current assault of the CIA on depositors.
Willie stated that the CIA justified the theft based upon the Patriot Act which Congress passed in the wake of the Agency's destruction with nuclear weapons of the World Trade Center towers 1 and 2. Building 7 was destroyed by conventional explosives and the very non-conventional nano-thermite.
The thefts by the CIA confirm in a rather ironic way John Keynes' observation about gold being a barbaric relic. Indeed the barbarians lust for it as the fool has given them his gold.
Zero Hedge and the Gold Anti Trust Association have both reported that the CIA is heavily involved in monetary policy and the actions of Federal Reserve, with many important memoranda written on the criticality of gold. Indeed the London Gold Pool of the 1960s was the precursor to the massive liquidation of Fort Knox completed under Bill Clinton and Robert Rubin in the 1990s.
As the Nazi state established in 1963 continues to spread its wings, safety becomes ever more elusive. We expect the next evolution to be the dispatch of storm troopers to private homes to steal gold and other articles of value.

Copyright 2013 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.


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