
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Was Henry Kissinger a Soviet Spy?

Kissinger, Rockefeller, Ford (Photo: Wikimedia)
Pundits taking a walk down political memory lane may recall the rapturous attention which Henry Kissinger commanded as he scaled the ranks from Harvard professor to the second most powerful man in Washington, but few will recall the revelations from the 1970s disclosing Kissinger as a Communist agent going back to World War 2. We will help you reminisce.
It may seem fantastical that a man respected as much as Kissinger would turn out to be a Soviet spy, but if you understand the linkage between the Rockefellers, USSR, and the United States, it is not so bizarre. We have credible sources documenting Kissinger’s involvement with espionage with the USSR starting with his career in the US Army counter intelligence unit after the war.
Kissinger was drafted into the Army in 1943 where he was later assigned to the 970th Counter Intelligence Detachment where he ruled a German town after the cease fire in 1945, earning the princely salary of 10,000 USD per year. To put that income into perspective, the median male annual income in 1950, which had risen substantially due to rampant post-war inflation, was only 2570 USD. His reign ended in April 1946 when he was transferred as an instructor to the European Command Intelligence School.

Around that time, Kissinger was recruited by Soviet intelligence agents as a double agent through a spy ring known as ODRA whose purpose was to penetrate British and American military intelligence. Eventually one of the chiefs of the Polish GZI, corresponding to the KGB, Colonel Michael Goleniewski, defected to the USA with a large cache of documents, including a 1500 page report on the activities of the ODRA which contained a list of spies and their code names.
One of the names was that of American Ernst Bosenhard who was assigned to US Intelligence Headquarters in Oberammergau, Germany where he was arrested in 1951 and subsequently convicted of espionage and the conveyance of large quantities of official documents to the USSR. Bosenhard was an ODRA colleague of Kissinger’s.

Goleniewski defected in 1961 when Kissinger was a professor at Harvard and in the employ of the Council on Foreign Relations, commonly known as CFR. Goleniewski’s ODRA documents also included the name of Sgt Henry A Kissinger, code named Bor, whom they noted in 1954 had returned to the USA to work at Harvard and was collaborating with the CIA.
While foreign intelligence agencies, especially those of the British, used the information to identify and prosecute traitors, the United States did not do so. In any event, the United States Congress passed a law making Goleniewski a US citizen for his services.

Goleniewski suffered a bit of credibility loss when he declared himself Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff, the son of the Czar Nicholas II, who was thought to have been murdered with the royal household in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution. However, CIA Chief of Research and Analysis Herman E. Kimsey swore in an affidavit dated June 3, 1965, and based on numerous and varied authentication tests, that Goleniewski’s claim was truthful. Goleniewski’s credibility was also affirmed by John Norpel, Jr., who had served with FBI and State Department Security, before Senate hearings on the subject.
There is more to the story. Charlotte Iserbyt reports that she invited Dr Igor Glagolev, an advisor to the Politburo and Soviet arms negotiators prior to his defection, to debate Paul Warnke, chief SALT negotiator under Jimmy Carter, on the merits of SALT II. Dr Glagolev told Iserbyt that he had attended many meetings at the Kremlin where both Nelson Rockefeller and/or Henry Kissinger were present. That explosive disclosure will be developed in another blog posting.

Finally, to cement the case of Kissinger's espionage, all of which was endorsed by Nelson Rockefeller, we note that President Nixon personally intervened to waive Kissinger's background check which required of all persons entering White House service. The reason is simple - both Nixon and Kissinger knew of Goleniewski's damning revelations. Kissinger is the only appointee known to receive a special presidential waiver in this first term.

Thus to answer our essay’s title, the evidence is overwhelming and conclusive that Henry Kissinger was a Soviet spy and to this day spies for an even more powerful government, the House of Rockefeller.

Gary Allen, Kissinger The Secret Side Of The Secretary Of State ,  1976,
Charlotte Iserbyt, 2002, Kissinger Out Of The Closet,

Copyright 2013 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

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