
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Google Escalates Its Censoring Campaign

Deep State front company Google has escalated its censoring campaign especially on articles which challenge its lies and misleading information about "COVID". But fear not, other communication platforms not controlled by the globalist cabal and Deep State apparatchiks are available, and we will return to trumpeting the truth.

So far the neo-Soviets have unpublished 3 Chronicles
  • The New Biology, Cancer, and "COVID"
  • Pfizer Bombshell - Vaccines Contain Aborted Fetal Tissue
  • "Vaccine" Mayhem in the Unfriendly Skies
You know that the communications KGB is nervous when it censors small blogs such as ours. These hooligans are in their last days. Freedom of expression will return sooner than these scum realize.

Postscript 11/1/2021: CCP-Google censored 8 more posts. We are at war people. We are moving to a self hosted server soon to restore all of our material deleted by the CCP-Biden-Google deep state.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Whistleblower Aaron Stevenson Reveals How DHS Is Fast Tracking Sex Traffickers into US

Whistleblower hero Aaron Stevenson revealed to Project Veritas plans by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services to fast track criminal immigrations into the country.

Stevenson is a former Marine and security research analyst at the Department of Homeland Security who is bravely exposing the corruption and criminality of the Biden regime and the fee funded USCIS whose director is Ur M Jaddou.

Jaddou is leading the effort to remove adjudication of Fear for Life status of immigrants ostensibly for the reason of eliminating the backlog applicants for immigration. The real reason is that she is assisting the acceleration of a mass of illegal and dangerous immigrants as part of George Soros' invasion and destruction of the United States.

Soros, who is aligned with the Chinese Communist Party, has financed numerous color revolutions of which this one is the latest. The CCP and People's Liberation Army launched a massive digital attack on the United States on November 3, 2020 to install as president puppet Joe Biden.

The change in regulations removes adjudication of Reasonable Fear claims from immigration judges to the private sector USCIS asylum officers who do not share or make available for legal scrutiny evidence of Reasonable Fear. In other words, criminal immigrants can make a baseless unsubstantiated and unreviewed claim to gain entry into the United States under false, fraudulent and criminal pretenses.

One particular person who was thus admitted belongs to the 18th Street Gang which according to DHS documentation is involved in the following activities
...drug trafficking, kidnapping, human smuggling, sex trafficking, murder, assassinations, racketeering, blackmail, extortion, and immigration offenses.
Stevenson stated in a specific case
We know what they're involved in, specifically sex trafficking, who is trying to become the sponsor for one of these children.
Once a foreigner makes a Reasonable Fear claim, he is immediately removed from the security watch list which would normally make someone illegible for US entry, or require adjudication to assess the merits and validity of the claim.

The new policy would place the adjudication in the hands of an asylum officer who has no obligation to release to the public information on dangerous criminals, or to apply the legal standards of the court systems.

This change in immigration policy is part of the Biden regimes elimination of the US-Mexico border.

Anyone who says that this sex trafficking has nothing to do with the Clinton-Obama-Podesta Spirit Cooking murders is naïve.

Stevenson is one of a growing number of patriots who is willing to risk his job for the safety of the nation. Mr Stevenson, we salute you.

Reference [Project Veritas interview with Aaron Stevenson.]

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy Lied About Smallpox

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy is a lying sack of crap. The liar had the audacity to claim that General Washington required that his men be inoculated against smallpox. There is only one problem with that - the vaccine was not created until well after the Revolutionary War.

Murthy stated
In 1777, President George Washington required soldiers to be inoculated against smallpox.

Murthy is a liar.

Dr Steven Riedel, a pro-vaccination lunatic, stated the following in an article in 2005

While Jenner's interest in the protective effects of cowpox began during his apprenticeship with George Harwicke, it was 1796 before he made the first step in the long process whereby smallpox, the scourge of mankind, would be totally eradicated.

Riedel was speaking, of course, of Edward Jenner, regarded as the father of the smallpox vaccine. So how is it that George Washington was ordering his troops to be vaccinated in 1777? Only a liar so contemptuous of your intelligence could state that.

The liar invoked George Washington to sucker people into the bioweapon. If it was good enough for the founder of our nation, then it must be good enough for me. It was a cheap tactic for which some gullibles will fall.

How do we know that Murthy's ploy was completely hypocritical and crass? Because the critical race theory rabid zealots would never want anything to do with the White Anglo Saxon Protestant Washington.

This liar should be arrested and sent to Guantanamo for his genocides.

Steven Reidel, Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and vaccination, Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings, Baylor University Medical Center, volume 18(1), pp 21-25, source(Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and vaccination (, accessed 10/17/2021

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Vax Populi: Atlanta Hawks Brandon Goodwin Career Is Over

Atlanta Hawks basketball star Brandon Goodwin publicly stated that the "COVID" "vaccination" ended his season. He is putting a happy face on it. His career is over.

The National Basketball Association coerced its players to take the bioweapon with the result that they are dropping out due to vaccinosis. Adam Silver, the psychopath commissioner of the NBA, has destroyed the career and life of one the NBA's stars. Has Silver taken the bioweapon? Of course not. "Vaccines" are for the little people.

The "safe and effective" "vaccine" has caused blood clots which has terminated his season. This condition is common among the "vaccinated." In Chronicles past we have described how the bioweapon causes clotting through 2 mechanisms. One mechanism is through spike proteins which replicate like rabbits throughout the body whose spikes prevent blood from flowing freely. The other mechanism is through graphene oxide which causes a condition known as rouleau which causes blood cells to coagulate like a roll of coins which in turns creates clots.

While blood thinners may have an effect, it is a loosing battle. The graphene oxide can be removed, but don't ask your fake doctor how to do it. He will put you on a ventilator and Remdesivir to murder you. The spike proteins can be treated, but don't ask your Rockefeller fake doctor how to do it. He will put you on a ventilator and Remdesivir to murder you.

Compounding the crime, the NBA ordered Goodwin to keep it quiet, which is typical modus operandi of criminals. Why the gag order? The reason is simple - the murderers at NBA want to fool others into taking the bioweapon, and maintain the lie that the bioweapon is "safe and effective." Clearly the NBA doesn't give a flying flip about its players or its fans. It is time to arrest Silver for murder.

Without proper treatment, Goodwin's career is over, and so is his life. Not only does Goodwin have to wrestle with the blood clotting, be he also has to deal with the possibility of myocarditis and pericarditis which will eventually require a heart transplant should appropriate treatment not be applied - something which he will never get from his quack doctors.

That is what "safe and effective" is all about, Charlie Brown. Why would anyone take an experimental gene drug for a condition which has a recovery rate of 99.9%?

Noah, NBA Star: Blood Clots From COVID Vaxx Ends My Season – Then They Told Him To Keep It Quiet,, October 16, 2021, source(NBA Star: Blood Clots From COVID Vaxx Ends My Season – Then They Told Him To Keep It Quiet (, accessed 10/16/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Who Is Playing Joe Biden?

The man representing fake president Joe Biden is not the man who once was Biden. Americans have the right to know who is playing their fake president.

The pictures below illustrate the problem. There is no way that Joe Biden is the fake president. We reported previously that Biden was either dead or comatose after suffering a stroke. The fact that someone is impersonating Biden means that the United States government has suffered yet another coup d'etat and is being governed by a foreign power - the power which installed Biden as president as the result of a massive digital attack on November 3, 2020.

Actor on right is playing Joe Biden

As best as we can ascertain, the man on the left was Biden; the 2 right characters are impersonators. To spell out the differences between the man on the left and the one on the right, we will enumerate notable discrepancies. The actor on the right is the one who is most frequently sent out for press conferences and calling New World Order communist Lori Lightfoot Mr Mayor.

  1. The foreheads are distinctly different. The man on the left has a broader and flatter forehead
  2. The eye colors are different. The man on the left appears to have hazel eyes whereas the one on the right has brown
  3. The skull shapes are different. The man on the left has a blocky funnel shape, while the man on the right has a more elongated shape.
  4. The chins are different. The man on the left has a squared off chin while the man on the right has a cleft chin which appears to be the result of an ill-fitting mask.
Even looking at the two pictures holistically shows 2 different men.

This closeup of the Biden actor on the right above shows the ill-fitting mask.

Given that one, and possibly multiple, actor is playing Biden, it begs the question, Why? The main answers are 1. Biden is dead 2. Biden is incapacitated 3. His handlers are trying to project omnipresence.

This question leads to the question, Who is running the country? Most observers believe that Barack Obama is running the presidency, but even Obama has handlers which we believe lead back to Beijing.

Recently the fake Biden was shown in a fake White House getting a fake "vaccine." One commentator suggested that the injection was staged in the Executive Building to obscure Biden's dependence on teleprompters, but we believe that answer to be dishonest. It was to hide the fact that Biden has never been allowed in the White House as fake president - a point confirmed by Lin Wood.

We don't claim to have all the answers, but we sure would like some which are truthful.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

A New Kind of Mask

With face diapers everywhere and Halloween approaching, it seemed too apropos to delve into masks seen on public figures, and we aren't talking about the useless, toxic, ethylene oxide saturated masks worn by slaves thinking that they are halting the spread of "COVID."

Some alternative news sources had been advocating that major politicians and celebrities have been masked impersonators, often after these people allegedly died. Examples include Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates - notice that I mentioned all women - all of whom have been allegedly executed for their crimes. My instinct was to laugh it off as a publicity stunt on the part of these reporters.

Matters changed recently when Max Igan in Australia showed videos of 3 people wearing patently obvious masks. It was a shocking epiphany for me who is no stranger to conspiracy. It was right out of a 1970s Mission Impossible episode.

Joe Biden imposter wearing a mask
First up is illegitimate president Joe Biden. The face is clearly a mask. Notice how the latex on the mask forms a nipple under Biden's chin. Some sources claim that Biden suffered a stroke around March and has been heavily sedated since, or possibly even dead.

You will also note that the smoothness of the face and the tautness of the neck are clearly those of a much younger man.

Fauci with face mask
Next up is Anthony Fauci. This example is much less obvious, but if you look near the tie knot, you will see edges of the mask. It was much more obvious in the video where it is seen dancing up and down.

Albert Bourla Pfizer CEO in mask
Pfizer CEO and psychopath Albert Bourla looks like he has had a stroke or his face was put on by a flour sack packer, but the arrow shows where the mask fails to blend with the skin. In the video, one can see his neck billow like a frog's - it is very unnatural and creepy. It is as though someone is wearing an ill fitting mask.

All of these examples raise the questions, Why is someone impersonating these people? And where are the real people? For extra credit, who is impersonating them?

Because some examples are not obvious with pictures, please watch the video at about the 30 minute mark - it is about 5 minutes or so.

Max Igan, The Crowhouse, October 5, 2021, source(Anyone For An October Surprise? (

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 4, 2021

The Immoral, Murderous Psychopathy of Twitter

Twitter desecrates obituary with its lies
The immoral, murderous psychopathy of Twitter knows no bounds. There is no shred of decency at that demonic organization, proven by the fact that it flagged the obituary of a young mother who died from the bioweapon.

The vileness of that criminal enterprise is infuriating, and we will take great joy when its management is executed by military tribunals, though unfortunately we are not there yet - but it is coming.

Twitter has already shown its arrogance by censoring President Trump who is now suing the behemoth for such actions. But to desecrate the death and memory of a young mother of two goes beyond the pale - matching something which could only be found in the sickening Talmud.

Jessica Berg Wilson was a 37 year old beautiful mother of 2 children who took the bioweapon so that she could be a room mother at her children's school. She subsequently died of thrombotic thrombocytopenia caused by the bioweapon on September 7, 2021.

Twitter thinks that it is so precious following "CDC guidelines" which are intentionally genocidal, yet there are still federal regulations requiring that "vaccine" related adverse events be reported to the VAERS database. This information is used ostensibly to assess the safety and effectiveness of the "vaccine." A congressman has called for investigations for the suppression of this information by health officials.

The woman died from the "vaccine." Even if she had not, wouldn't one, for the sake of science, want to capture this information for research and analysis - even if for no other reason than to disprove the assumption? Is Twitter afraid that we might get too much information? Is it afraid that its lies are crumbling around them?

Given that millions of people have died from the "vaccine" and have been injured by it, the most natural conclusion would be that she died from the bioweapon. An honest qualified pathologist could make the final determination. As these Chronicles have reported, thrombosis is a well known side effect of the bioweapon due to the spike proteins. The relationship is well established. It is not a misleading statement to conclude cause and effect. Nor is it misleading to state the cause of death!

Sadly, Mrs Wilson was adamantly opposed to the "vaccines" but succumbed to the pressure of the school which is itself a murder gulag.

In response to Twitter's claims that the side effects are uncommon, we say that it doesn't matter. When is too much too much? How many more people have to suffer from this bioweapon before the Twitter psychopaths STFU? How would Twitter even know that the side effects are uncommon when hospitals refuse to report them to VAERS as required by federal law? Isn't one death one too many? But we have millions of them and the genocide artists still push and administer them? America's elite are sick.

The fraud of Twitter is even more infuriating when one realizes that VAERS will not include anyone who was injured or killed within the first 15 days of assault by the bioweapon. Lost data is lost science.

Finally, in response to Twitter's misinformation, there have been more confirmed deaths from the bioweapon than all previous "vaccine" releases in FDA history, and one flu vaccine for N1H1 was terminated after just 5 deaths. VAERS's misinformation numbers exceed 15,000 deaths yet the genocidists are still pushing the bioweapon.

It is so sad that Mrs Wilson did not remove her children from these vicious public schools and home school or educate them in a safe private environment.

We have said that the bioweapon is an IQ test, and unfortunately this good mother of two children did not rise to the challenge and was hampered by the misleading information and lies of Twitter.

Close your Twitter accounts. Use Telegram or some other free speech platform.

Libby Emmons, Twitter tags obituary of woman 'misleading' who reportedly died from 'vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia',, October 3, 2021, source(Twitter tags obituary of woman 'misleading' who reportedly died from 'vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia' | The Post Millennial, accessed 10/4/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Who Were the Cone Heads?

Examples of Cone Heads
A significant number of skeletal remains featuring persons with large elongated skulls suggests that earth has been inhabited by hominids or humanoids who are not homo sapien. We shall quickly review the case to see where this line of investigation leads.

The skulls under review are those found in Paracus Peru. Brien Forester, whom I believe to be an archaeologist or anthropologist, discovered such skulls and spent 5 years working with the government of Peru to conduct DNA tests on the remains to determine ethnicity. The results were rather startling as they did not conform with known human parameters.

The skulls are believed to be 2000-3000 years old and belong to haplogroups U2E and H1. While found in Peru, these same groups have been found in the area between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea in the Caucus Mountains. The speculation is that invasions in the Caucasus forced out the Cone Heads who then migrated to Peru where they could live in peace.

But it was not the DNA which was of the greatest interest. None of the skulls of these peoples has a sagittal suture which is a defining characteristic of all humans, and is so important that it is used to estimate the ages of skeletons, using the degree of closure of the suture as a major marker of age.
Absence of sagittal suture

Naysayers have suggested that these skulls are the results of tribal practices known as head binding or cranial deformation, but such skulls have normal human sizes albeit with different shapes. The sizes of the skulls or brains of the Cone Heads is roughly 53% larger than human, a trait which suggests a commensurately more intelligent being.

Historical examples of Cone Heads
Additionally, it has been observed that these peoples are associated with polygonal walls such as those found in Peru, but also all over the world. Wherever these wall are found, so too the Cone Heads. The supposition is that a superior intelligence with superior means was required to construct these architecturally exact placements of stones - skills and technologies absent from the human natives.

The narrator of the video discussing these matters believes that the Cone Heads have persisted throughout history, with Karen Hudes believing that they go back as far as the ice age. In pursuit of this theory, the narrator points to pictures of medieval and ancient art depicting these people whose elaborate head dresses are concealments of their large craniums.

The skeletal evidence clearly documents a non-human race, but it is difficult to know from where they come and how much control or influence they have had in human affairs, but the art work from ancient Egypt suggests that it was significant.  

Clearly more research is required, but all of the ingredients to rewrite human history are present in these fragments.

unknown, The Observation Deck, One World; Two Species; Tartarian DNA...We were never alone, source((781) One World; Two Species; Tartarian DNA...We were never alone - YouTube)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Karen Croake Heisler Croaked After Third Pfizer Shot

"Vaccine" curmudgeon, and hater, Karen Croake Heisler, died September 20, 2021 after her third Pfizer shot. The vile witch made a short career of damning the "unvaccinated" prior to her death. Her departure is greatly welcomed.

The stupid witch badgered everyone in her merciless tweets to get the "vaccine." A week after receiving the 3d shot on September 7, 2021, she complained of heart problems but had difficulty gaining admission to overwhelmed hospitals. Her ignorant views of pathology obtained from talking heads and "fact checkers" assured the 67 year old college professor that viruses could be communicated.

What the ignorant witch didn't understand is that nearly all "COVID" patients in hospitals are "vaccinated." The ignorant witch also didn't seem to understand that the PCR as a test is so useless and faulty that it diagnoses nothing. The professional smartass apparently didn't watch Dr Kary Mullis profane his invention as a diagnostic tool and call Fauci a liar. Otherwise, perhaps she would have taken a more reasoned view about the plandemic as Jan Psaki called it in an unguarded moment a few weeks ago.

The ignorant witch also didn't understand the pathologies of the "vaccine." While they are numerous, just one of them is blood clotting; another is myocarditis. Perhaps that is what she suffered. Her obituary stated that she died of "cancer-related complications" which begs the question of why she was seeing a cardiologist for cancer and why he was treating her for it. Or did the cardiologist misdiagnose her cancer as heart problems? The truth is that she most likely died from cardiological problems stemming from the "vaccine."

The stupid witch was loved by her students, but not by us. She chirped in January that she felt just fine after getting the "vaccine", and tweeted similar drivel in April after getting the second shot. But 3 times is a charm, and then she croaked.

Her 2 uneventful shots substantiate our contention that the formulas of the bioweapon vary by lot. The reason is to get people back for a 3d and 4th and 5th and....more shots to administer the coup de grace if the first two did not do it. It is a way of staggering the death rates.

As we have warned, we will see staggering levels of deaths through July of 2022 as the lethality of the bioweapons takes their tolls.

Heisler is not the first "vaccine" champion to die like this. We remember an obstetrician in Florida who died a couple of days after his first shot, ranting that the bioweapon was the best thing since sliced bread.

Good riddance Karen. How many other people will die because they followed your foolish advice? Damn you too, bitch.

Sean Adl-Tabatabai, Notre Dame Professor Who Said, “Damn the Unvaccinated” Dies Two Weeks After Receiving Booster Shot, News Punch, Septemeber 30, 2021, source(Notre Dame Professor Who Said, “Damn the Unvaccinated” Dies Two Weeks After Receiving Booster Shot - News Punch)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Bioweapons Contain Horrific Superconducting Materials

Fibers in Moderna "vaccine"
Bioweapons manufactured by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson contain superconducting materials which self-assemble, and are part of Bill Gates' Wellness Passport plan to control people 24 hours per day.

Dr Carrie Madej's curiosity nearly killed her cat when she decided on a lark to examine the contents of a bioweapon vial under a 400x compound microscope before discarding it at the end of the day. As the contents started to warm, she noticed that they started to glow with bright colors such as blue, royal purple, yellow, green, and other colors. She said that she had never seen this behavior before.

Graphene substance in Moderna "vaccine"
Speaking on the Stew Peters Show, she further described how some of the organisms began to lift themselves off of the slide with their tentacles and self-assemble. Both horrified and intrigued, she spoke to nanotechnology engineers who said that she described an injectable computing system. She said that these organisms were self-aware and able to move about.

A colleague witnessing this said he had never seen anything like it, nor had Madej.

When looking at the Johnson & Johnson bioweapon, she observed similar phenomena but also noticed a hydrogel, whereupon she told Peters that "they lied about not having nano-lipid particles."

Self aware organism in Moderna "vaccine"
Madej then described how Bill Gates and GAVI were testing injections on people in West Africa which allowed them to totally control people through a cash system managed through these injectable computers, which they euphemistically call a Wellness Passport. These people are not allowed to own money.

Thus we can modify our conclusions about the "vaccines" to explain why some people die quickly and others do not. "Vaccines" from the same manufacturer have different formulations, some of which are intended to kill, and other intended to install a computer system. Madej said that the computers also were part of a predictive policing system which would then to disable or perhaps kill people who veered away from the wishes of their masters.

Luminescent objects in J&J "vaccine"
Previous Chronicles also described how the "COVID" tests themselves contain metallic and computing agents in smart dust. It would be rather intuitive to see how substances from both sources could combine to built even greater internal computing systems.

Thus it is now clear that some of the "vaccine" formulations are designed to kill, while others are designed to control, keeping alive victims for a period of time until they are no longer needed.

Fibrous object with rings in J&J "vaccine"
Ultimately 7 billion people are targeted for extermination which explains the CCP-Obama-Biden regime's maniacal drive to inject these death and computing systems into everyone. They need test subjects to work out the kinks in the system, and they need to shackle everyone before they realize that they have been caged.

Stew Peters, "Vaccine" Vials Examined by US Lab,, September 29, 2021, source(Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines "Vaccine" Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed (

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

The Fake President Takes His Fake Vaccine

Fake president Joe Biden took a fake "vaccine" to convince stupid Americans to take the bioweapon. How many responded with anything other than laughter is a measure of their IQs.

With fake citizen Barack Obama still clinging to his fake birth certificate instructing Biden through his earpiece, the fake president walked over to a faked stage of the White House to show the world that he was taking his fake 3d shot.

The endless frauds and deceits of the Biden regime are becoming ever more comical as the days pass, except for the fact that real people have died needlessly due to his treason. We speak of course of the 13 US soldiers he bombed in Afghanistan and the millions who dying from this bioweapon.

A picture speaks a thousand words. Notice all of the newsfakers taking photographs and notes, yet not a single one of them told his readers that the fake president was faking it. Lin Wood recently stated that Biden has never once stepped foot in the White House as president. Did the newsfakers include this bit of factual information in their fake news reports? Of course not.

Newsfakers reporting the fake president's fake vaccine (Late September 2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Monday, September 27, 2021

J&J's Justin Durant Laughing: Unvaccinated People are Second Grade Citizens

Johnson & Johnson scientist Justin Durant mockingly laughed that the push for "vaccinations" is to make all of the "unvaccinated" feel like "a second grade citizen." Those whining about the science are not discussing science except of the political kind - the kind which leads to totalitarianism.

Project Veritas' juggernaut rolls on with the 3d installment of its undercover expose of the criminality and frauds of the "vaccine" scam. In this episode, it interviewed Johnson & Johnson employees who revealed that the "vaccines" have absolutely nothing to do with medicine - only with coercion and numbers.

Thus all of the hand wringing about health and science is a smokescreen to coerce "vaccination" - there is nothing scientific about it all. When questioned about the news media's representation of the "vaccines" - the public health angle, Brandon Schadt, a business lead, candidly stated about the news media
"In no capacity should we ever trust anything that they say."

The most disgusting interview was with Durant who mocked and taunted people who refused to be "vaccinated" because they would be refused access to restaurants, denied travel, and denied visits with family and loved ones. His triumphal moment came when he laughed about people losing their jobs.

Yet why would anyone take an experimental gene drug when "COVID" has a 99.9% recovery rate? Why would anyone take an experimental drug which consists of nothing but lethal substances? Why would anyone take an experimental drug with a lethal track record when we have safe and effective treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and chlorine dioxide solution?

The glee he showed in tormenting these people was grossly psychopathic. Durrant claimed that he took the "vaccine" but he initially said that he would not.

Schadt stated that there was no reason to give kids the "vaccine", citing their natural resilience and the lack of any long term data to vouch for its safety.

One common current between both Durrant and Schadt was their understanding of the motives for the full court press to force "vaccinations" : politics. Both men acknowledged money and numbers, but politics was the overriding motive for pushing "vaccines" and clearly it had nothing to do with anyone's health or science - unless one is talking political science.

One clear theme from Durrant and Taylor Lee of the FDA is that both government and big business see people as playthings, toys, and expendable slaves who can be used and discarded at whim. You mean nothing to these psychopaths.

Reference (Project Veritas Vaccine Documentary Part 3)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Attorney Powell Uncovers Election Altering Patents Given to Chinese

Attorney Sidney Powell uncovered patents granted as early as 2005 developed by the Department of Defense which enables election outcomes to be rigged. These patents may have found their ways to China and the People's Liberation Army which installed Biden as president.

During an interview with Brannon Howse, Powell disclosed existence of patents granted to the DOD in 2005, two of which she said were of great interest. The patent was granted to DOD and the National Institute of Health which enables real time monitoring of elections. Another patent granted in 2006 enables the implementer to create an algorithm which produces a predetermined outcome for an election, presumably using electronic voting software such as that produced by Dominion Voting Services. This software was given to an unnamed university in New Jersey with a large population of foreign students which we presume to be Chinese.

In 2019, Dominion transferred its 19 voting technology patents to the Canadian branch of the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank which then provided 400 million USD in funds to State Street Capital which now owns Dominion. It thus appears that State Street is licensing this technology from communist China.

When Howse suggested that Powell was getting close to unraveling a major component of the 2020 election fraud, she agreed stating that Congressmen are trying to take her law license. Clearly she is right over the target. Since when does a congressman involve himself in the taking of licenses to practice law? Only when the congressmen are trying to obstruct justice and cover-up election crimes.

This information ties directly into our previous Chronicles reporting how the PLA, using a front company, flipped votes for Trump to Biden all across the US on and around November 3, 2020 in one of the most devastating digital attacks on this country. It is our conclusion that this DOD/NIH technology was provided to the Chinese communist government through the services of Anthony Fauci whose affiliation with NIH runs long and deep.

If we are correct about Fauci, not only did he provide the Chinese the technology to attack the United States, but he also funded the gain of function research to weaponize the corona virus and use it as the basis for his biological attack on this country and the world.

These disclosures are staggering because it suggests that the US has never had an honest election since the advent of computerized voting systems.

Brannon Howse, Interview with Sidney Powell, Lindell TV, c. September 26, 2021

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Sussman Indictment is Bigger Than Watergate - Much Bigger

Special Counsel John Durham's indictment of Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussman is the biggest political scandal since Watergate, and almost no one in America recognizes it. Sussman broke new criminal ground for the Clinton 2016 presidential campaign when he lied to the FBI about candidate Trump's involvement with Russia during his campaign. The web of criminals involved in this fraud runs deep and wide.

The Fake News media such as Washington Post, New York Times, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and a host of other mendacity peddlers has given scant attention to this story, and never will honestly cover it because they were collaborators with Sussman in the fraud and lies emanating from Clinton headquarters. CNN is not called Clinton News Network for nought.

Those old enough to remember the baited breath with which the newsfakers reported every crime real and imagined about Nixon during the CIA's Watergate conspiracy may wonder why these same frauds are not shrieking for the arrest and imprisonment of Hillary Clinton.

For those new to the story, Michael Sussman was lead legal counsel for Perkins Coie, the law firm  representing the Clinton campaign, and who was recently indicted by a grand jury for lying to the FBI about whom he represented when he presented fraudulent information about Trump's Russia connections through Alfa Bank. Subsequent Congressional investigations found no such Russian connections.

Sussman didn't just lie to anyone at the FBI - he lied to General Counsel James Baker who was the highest ranking legal officer at the FBI. As the Epoch Times explained in an interview with Kash Patel, himself a veteran lawyer with the Department of Justice, getting an appointment with Baker represented political clout of the highest order forged while Sussman worked at Department of Justice.

The FBI had no interest in Sussman. Rather Sussman volunteered his false information to Baker, and allegedly lied about his client, which in this case was Clinton and DNC. Both acts of falsehood are federal criminal acts.

Interestingly, the Durham indictment only focuses on the alleged lie about Sussman's client which means that Durham may be focusing his guns on Hillary Clinton. Pursuit of the first fraud is huge, but could become a distraction, for the crime boss was Clinton herself and DNC who paid Perkins Coie's royal retainer fees. Furthermore, the latter case is much easier to prove.

But before getting to Clinton, we have to look at Baker. How is it that a man who is working for one of the world's biggest and most sophisticated investigatory agencies not responsible enough to do some of his own background checking before running with the tip from Sussman? As we shall speculate, this meeting reeks of plausible deniability to cover a crime.

Our belief is that Baker was part of the crime. He was not an innocent bystander who was approached by an upstanding citizen trying to protect us from the Russians. Not only so, because of the deep ties which the DNC and Clinton campaigns had with the Chinese Communist Party, it is our belief that Baker and Sussman were collaborating with a foreign power to install Clinton in the White House.

We believe that this operation initiated by Sussman eventually led to convicted felon Kevin Clinesmith's falsification of evidence which justified a FISA warrant against Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. We further believe that Baker initiated a chain of assignments which pulled in Clinesmith whom we believe was a Democrat party apparatchik working for Clinton to undermine Trump's campaign.

The insidiousness of Clinesmith's, Baker's, and Sussman's frauds is that it presented false witness to the FISA court which placed Page under the most invasive surveillance imaginable. Any text, phone call, email, mail, contact or anything else with which Page was involved was now available to the FBI, and predicated upon a lie.

What did the FBI and FISA court do with this information? We believe that it passed it to the DNC through the White House which now brings Barack Obama into the picture. FISA courts deal with security matters of the utmost sensitivity which require the very highest authority to access. The FBI reports to the Department of Justice whose Attorney General reports to the president as a cabinet level officer.

This abuse of executive branch power and police powers makes this scandal huge and scary. It gave the sitting president the power to wrongfully survey and arrest an opponent candidate or his employee, and possibly even assassinate him on some trumped up charge of national security threat.

Much more will come from this investigation. It should not be in danger of derailment because it ultimately comes under military jurisdiction as interference of foreign powers with the government of the United States. Remember that Obama is NOT a natural born citizen, and thus may be charged as a foreign national enemy combatant against the United States collaborating with a foreign government. Dual citizenship swings both way. Watch for floating bodies in the Potomac. 

Postscript 9/26/2021: Now you know what is driving the CCP's Nancy Pelosi to spend so much time and money on covering up her collusion with the FBI in perpetrating the January 6 event at the Capitol.

Kash Patel, Kash’s Corner: More Indictments Are Coming; Unraveling the Origins of the Russia Collusion Hoax, The Epoch Times, September 24, 2021, source(Kash’s Corner: More Indictments Are Coming; Unraveling the Origins of the Russia Collusion Hoax (

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Hobbs, Sellers Steal 2020 Arizona Election for Biden and Democrats

The long anticipated audit of the Arizona 2020 election registered Richter scale readings near 10 when auditors presented evidence suggesting that the Secretary of State Katie Hobbs and chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Jack Sellers conspired to steal the election for the Democrat National Committee and the Biden campaign. State representative Wendy Rogers called for decertification of the election.

The auditors presented their findings to the Arizona senate after months of ballot counting and tabulations. A forensic audit goes beyond recounting ballots by examining the authenticity, eligibility, and process methodologies of ballots and vote castings. Machinery, procedures, and legal compliance are analyzed to show where failures and illegalities were encountered.

The state senate fought a long and hard battle with Sellers for access to the ballot server.  Sellers reluctantly provided it to auditors just short weeks ago. Their findings made it very clear why he and his corrupt board fought the surrender. The auditors have photographic snapshots of the people who illegally deleted election files and votes which surpassed 1 million items.

The criminal Dominion Voting Services deleted server files the day before the audit began in March. Maricopa county and Dominion deleted files and ballots from October 2020 to March 2021. Federal law requires that all such records and ballots be preserved for 22 months which law was clearly violated by Maricopa's board of election supervisors.

The server contained numerous irregularities, but the item which got focused attention was its connection to the internet during voting which is a violation of configuration regulations. The internet connection enabled the People's Liberation Army to flip votes in transit from one server to another.

While Maricopa and Arizona election officials thought that erasure would cover their crimes, US military and intelligence organizations have the timestamp by timestamp logs of the overseas digital assault on the United States on November 3, 2020.

The collaboration with foreign powers makes these persons enemy combatants against the United States and subject to military tribunal.

The breadth and depth of the crimes and frauds is breathtaking. Becker News reported that 57,734 ballots had serious issues including duplications, no signatures, invalid signatures, non-resident ballots. This number represents more than 5 times Biden's margin of illegitimate victory.

We reported previously the privately financed canvas audits and the social security voter matches which together revealed bloated voter rolls in the hundreds of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of votes discarded by DNC operatives. These phantom voters cast hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots while hundreds of thousands of voters were disenfranchised by the PLA-DNC-Maricopa conspiracy.

Newsfakers were spinning the thefts like spastic autists on a pogo stick the entire week before the presentation, but they lost even more credibility - if that is possible - when the auditors announced having pictures of the criminals as they deleted the files. This is the election which the newsfakers and the Biden administration called the most honest in American history.

The election fraud has already claimed one victim, Maricopa county supervisor Steve Chucri who was caught on tape saying about the county audit prior to the state sanctioned audit, 
...and then there was an audit and a recount, which was pretty bullshit, by the way. 

Chucri resigned today following disclosure of these leaked comments. 

Next on the agenda is dead bodies. People should be alert for suspicious deaths, "suicides", "accidents",. "heart attacks", "COVID", "plane accidents", and any number of other killing methods used by CCP, DNC, CIA, Mossad, and other Deep State operatives.

Other state audits are in progress. Wendy Rogers has referred the crimes to the Arizona Attorney General. Without doubt, Arizona's was the shot heard round the world.

Kyle Becker, ‘Decertify!’: Trump Supporters Explode After Seeing What’s Actually In Arizona Election Audit Results,, September 24, 2021, source('Decertify!': Trump Supporters Explode After Seeing What's Actually In Arizona Election Audit Results - Becker News)

Kristin, Left PANICS as the World Waits for Arizona Audit Results,, September 24, 2021, source(Left PANICS as the World Waits for Arizona Audit Results (

daniel, Damning Recording of Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri Leaked Before Audit Results,, September 24, 2024, source(Damning Recording of Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri Leaked Before Audit Results (
Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

FDA's Taylor Lee: Blow Darts Are Always the Answer

FDA's Taylor Lee toasting to using drones to "vaccinate"
Project Veritas released another bombshell episode of its investigative report into the "COVID" "vaccine" agenda which shows FDA employees planning to use blow darts to forcibly "vaccinate" people. Taylor Lee stated that "Blow darts are always the answer" to "vaccinating" people against their wills, admitting that he endorsed this approach as a resurrection of Nazi Germany.

Lee was very expansive in his tactics for attacking people, mentioning blow darts, drones, and other technologies to overwhelm people. He even volunteered that he would go door to door "stabbing everyone. Oh, it's just your booster shot!"

While the video of Lee may suggest him talking at times tongue in cheek, especially with his call for Amazon tribesmen to be hired to conduct the attacks, it is not. His term "blow darts" is a euphemism for drones which will be armed with injectors to attack people. He even admitted that the funding was available for doing it.

In order to overcome Black resistance to the "vaccine", he recommended attacking Whites first so that Blacks would accept the bioweapon.

Lee said, "At this point, I don't care about your bodily autonomy because it's not just your bodily autonomy that you're putting in jeopardy." But somehow I don't see the homosexual psychopath disagreeing with "my body, my choice" for abortion rights.

Unfortunately Lee offered no evidence of how a virus could endanger anyone. No one has ever done that with any virus. He is in the grip of an infantile fundamentalist religious fervor like Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot who demands allegiance to the New World Order.

How does one justify injecting people with an experimental drug for a condition which has a 99.9% recovery rate and 3 major alternative safe and effective therapies? Lee advocates the use of the Johnson & Johnson bioweapon but it is under Emergency Use Authorization, a pesky detail which can be removed with administrative fiat - regardless of its illegality.

Most ironic about Lee's concern with bodily autonomy and health safety is the fact that the bioweapon is highly lethal. It has claimed millions of lives, yet Lee wants to murder more. Hundreds of millions of people have been irreparably harmed and will eventually die within a couple of years. Yet he wants to "vaccinate" more people. The interviewer failed to ask if Lee was "vaccinated."

As scientists have discovered, the bioweapons contain nothing but lethal substances such as spike proteins, graphene oxide, stainless steel, parasites, prions, and others for a total of 72 substances for some of them.

When addressing the problem of "vaccine" injuries, Lee stated that it is simply a matter of cost benefit analysis where each life is only worth 5 million USD. So in the case of people dying from blood clots Lee said
And that's the way that like we're trained to like, try and think about these things in terms of cost, benefit analysis, that type of stuff.

In other words, there is no moral dimension in the thinking of the psychopaths at the FDA. It is simply an organization run not by greed, but by pure totalitarian agendas which thinks nothing of killing people to force the "vaccine" down everyone's throat.

Fear the FDA and CDC. But be prepared to destroy them. This is exactly why you never surrender your rights to bear arms.

Postscript 9/23/2021: While Taylor Lee is an FDA economist - most likely not executive management - it doesn't matter. He has internalized the beliefs and goals of executive management. That is what makes his disclosures so damning.

Reference (Project Veritas COVID Documentary Episode 2)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

New Intelligence Drop Reveals High Powered Clients of Epstein

OfficialMcAfee released another drop of intelligence today revealing some high powered clients of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the latter currently incarcerated while awaiting trial for numerous crimes. While we can't make sense of all of the data, we can reveal key findings.

The information is from Epstein's call logs which cover time periods in 2004 and 2005. Interestingly the photographic images are labeled Mossad which probably indicates the tight relationship between Epstein, Maxwell, and the Israeli intelligence agency.

Magician David Copperfield
One of the more prominent clients of Epstein was magician David Copperfield who called Epstein January 22, 2005 at 7:30p leaving the message "It's Jackpot." The interpretation is unknown, but several messages in the 180 pages of logs have this message from different callers.

Keeping in mind that Epstein's business was sex and blackmail, most of the callers were clients, with a few who seemed to be recruiters of slaves for Epstein's operations, including the infamous Jean-Luc Brunel who appears on page after page of the logs.

One of the youngest slaves was a 2 year 8 month old child found by Jean-Luc as revealed in his message to Epstein dated September 1, 2005 at 8:08 [pm]. The sick description taken by the secretary reads
He has a teacher for you to teach you how to speak russian [sic]. She is 2 x 8 years old not blonde. Lessons are free and you can have 1st today if you call. 
Message to Epstein of toddler victim

The odd numeric reference should not be confused for 28. It would be utterly absurd to require an escort service for a 28 year old woman, and equally absurd to suppose that Epstein wanted Russian lessons. This message is code for a 2 year old girl to be used in a ritual sacrifice.

Another prominent client of Epstein's was HRH Duchess of York. What in the world was this British royal figure doing as a client of a sex and blackmail artist? Maybe she got a special discount as a couples member with her husband Prince Andrew who has recently been served papers for the rape of an underage woman, Virginia Giuffre.

I have listened to Giuffre's interviews describing her savage treatment as a sex slave at the hands of Epstein and Maxwell.

Another well known client listed in the call logs is jewelry designer Tom Ford who created a notorious pendant of a penis. This is the kind of art which complemented that of Marina Abramovic about which we reported previously.

Tom Ford with unknown kisser
Although newsfakers reported that Epstein committed suicide while in police custody, no one with a half working brain believes it. Either he was murdered or whisked away to Israel. We are inclined to believe the latter.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Video Caught Marina Abramovic Painting With Children's Blood

As we recently Chronicled, spirit cooking and industrial strength child sacrifice are real evils among the political elites across the world. At the center of this sordid affair is the artist Marina Abramovic whose paintings with the blood of murdered children will send chills down your spine.

In the United States, the more prominent child killers are Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and his brother Tony, Barack and Michael Obama, Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Hanks, Lady Gaga, Anthony Wiener, Hunter Biden and so many others psychopaths among the glitterati.

Abramovic is the artist patronized by butcher Bill Gates who commissioned an Easter commercial featuring her vile art. We are about to show it and it is not pretty. Those with weak constitutions are cautioned to leave now.

The following images are from a video posted by OfficialMcAfee of walls painted by Abramovic and her helper on January 6, 1997 in preparation for a spirit cooking event. She painted them with the most obscene statements one could imagine. It is in an unknown location but I surmise that it was the basement of the Comet Pizza restaurant in Georgetown.

The revolting and gruesome part of this fetid affair is that the paint was the blood of children - gallons of it. Abramovic painted her graffiti with the blood of children. It is clotted and coagulated as she and her helper pour it into paint buckets and onto the walls.

Abramovic was the artist laureate for these affairs which featured the Clintons, the Podestas, and names you would find in Jeffrey Epstein's address book and plane logs.

Children's blood used as paint by Abramovic

One of Abramovic's graffiti

The blood of children dripping from the graffiti

Another Abramovic graffiti

Another spirit cooking graffiti

Coagulated blood of children used to paint the walls

Spirit cooking participants previewing the graffiti

Abramovic painting Spirit Cooking above a door

More of Abramovic's vile filth

A guest admiring Abramovic's filth

Abramovic proudly displaying the blood on her hands

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Exposed

The Obama birth certificate story refuses to go away, especially with the recent disclosure of the original certificate from OfficialMcAfee. As we reported several years ago, Obama is a British-Kenyan citizen, and thus was an illegal enemy president. We now provide the definitive proof.

The birth certificate shows the birth of Barack Hussein Obama II in the British protectorate of Kenya at Coast Province General Hospital. The date of birth is August 4, 1961. His parents were Stanley Ann Dunham born in Wichita, Kansas on November 29, 1942, and Barack Obama born 1936 in Kanyadihang Village, Nyanaza. Both are listed as students in Hawaii. It is interesting that Obama, Sr's date of birth is unknown.

The attending doctor was James O W Ang'awa. Supervisor of Obstetrics was John Kwame Odongo.

The implications are staggering. A British subject was installed as president in direct violation of the Constitution, an act of sedition and treason by many parties including CIA, State Department, and the Democratic National Committee. We predict that military tribunals will eventually administer justice, but it is not a guarantee or an immediate expectation given the many parties involved and the innumerable complications to such a process. But many enemy combatants against the United States have been identified and will face the tribunals.

Few people know that massive election frauds in 2008 and 2012 kept the Kenyan in the White House.

Of particular concern is the enemy combatant Loretta Fuddy who, contrary to some of our earlier reports, is still alive and should be apprehended for justice. In providing a fraudulent birth certificate, Fuddy collaborated with foreign governments, specifically the United Kingdom, to produce forged evidence to justify the pretender to the presidency.

The true birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama II

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.