
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Google Escalates Its Censoring Campaign

Deep State front company Google has escalated its censoring campaign especially on articles which challenge its lies and misleading information about "COVID". But fear not, other communication platforms not controlled by the globalist cabal and Deep State apparatchiks are available, and we will return to trumpeting the truth.

So far the neo-Soviets have unpublished 3 Chronicles
  • The New Biology, Cancer, and "COVID"
  • Pfizer Bombshell - Vaccines Contain Aborted Fetal Tissue
  • "Vaccine" Mayhem in the Unfriendly Skies
You know that the communications KGB is nervous when it censors small blogs such as ours. These hooligans are in their last days. Freedom of expression will return sooner than these scum realize.

Postscript 11/1/2021: CCP-Google censored 8 more posts. We are at war people. We are moving to a self hosted server soon to restore all of our material deleted by the CCP-Biden-Google deep state.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Whistleblower Aaron Stevenson Reveals How DHS Is Fast Tracking Sex Traffickers into US

Whistleblower hero Aaron Stevenson revealed to Project Veritas plans by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services to fast track criminal immigrations into the country.

Stevenson is a former Marine and security research analyst at the Department of Homeland Security who is bravely exposing the corruption and criminality of the Biden regime and the fee funded USCIS whose director is Ur M Jaddou.

Jaddou is leading the effort to remove adjudication of Fear for Life status of immigrants ostensibly for the reason of eliminating the backlog applicants for immigration. The real reason is that she is assisting the acceleration of a mass of illegal and dangerous immigrants as part of George Soros' invasion and destruction of the United States.

Soros, who is aligned with the Chinese Communist Party, has financed numerous color revolutions of which this one is the latest. The CCP and People's Liberation Army launched a massive digital attack on the United States on November 3, 2020 to install as president puppet Joe Biden.

The change in regulations removes adjudication of Reasonable Fear claims from immigration judges to the private sector USCIS asylum officers who do not share or make available for legal scrutiny evidence of Reasonable Fear. In other words, criminal immigrants can make a baseless unsubstantiated and unreviewed claim to gain entry into the United States under false, fraudulent and criminal pretenses.

One particular person who was thus admitted belongs to the 18th Street Gang which according to DHS documentation is involved in the following activities
...drug trafficking, kidnapping, human smuggling, sex trafficking, murder, assassinations, racketeering, blackmail, extortion, and immigration offenses.
Stevenson stated in a specific case
We know what they're involved in, specifically sex trafficking, who is trying to become the sponsor for one of these children.
Once a foreigner makes a Reasonable Fear claim, he is immediately removed from the security watch list which would normally make someone illegible for US entry, or require adjudication to assess the merits and validity of the claim.

The new policy would place the adjudication in the hands of an asylum officer who has no obligation to release to the public information on dangerous criminals, or to apply the legal standards of the court systems.

This change in immigration policy is part of the Biden regimes elimination of the US-Mexico border.

Anyone who says that this sex trafficking has nothing to do with the Clinton-Obama-Podesta Spirit Cooking murders is naïve.

Stevenson is one of a growing number of patriots who is willing to risk his job for the safety of the nation. Mr Stevenson, we salute you.

Reference [Project Veritas interview with Aaron Stevenson.]

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy Lied About Smallpox

U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy is a lying sack of crap. The liar had the audacity to claim that General Washington required that his men be inoculated against smallpox. There is only one problem with that - the vaccine was not created until well after the Revolutionary War.

Murthy stated
In 1777, President George Washington required soldiers to be inoculated against smallpox.

Murthy is a liar.

Dr Steven Riedel, a pro-vaccination lunatic, stated the following in an article in 2005

While Jenner's interest in the protective effects of cowpox began during his apprenticeship with George Harwicke, it was 1796 before he made the first step in the long process whereby smallpox, the scourge of mankind, would be totally eradicated.

Riedel was speaking, of course, of Edward Jenner, regarded as the father of the smallpox vaccine. So how is it that George Washington was ordering his troops to be vaccinated in 1777? Only a liar so contemptuous of your intelligence could state that.

The liar invoked George Washington to sucker people into the bioweapon. If it was good enough for the founder of our nation, then it must be good enough for me. It was a cheap tactic for which some gullibles will fall.

How do we know that Murthy's ploy was completely hypocritical and crass? Because the critical race theory rabid zealots would never want anything to do with the White Anglo Saxon Protestant Washington.

This liar should be arrested and sent to Guantanamo for his genocides.

Steven Reidel, Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and vaccination, Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings, Baylor University Medical Center, volume 18(1), pp 21-25, source(Edward Jenner and the history of smallpox and vaccination (, accessed 10/17/2021

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Vax Populi: Atlanta Hawks Brandon Goodwin Career Is Over

Atlanta Hawks basketball star Brandon Goodwin publicly stated that the "COVID" "vaccination" ended his season. He is putting a happy face on it. His career is over.

The National Basketball Association coerced its players to take the bioweapon with the result that they are dropping out due to vaccinosis. Adam Silver, the psychopath commissioner of the NBA, has destroyed the career and life of one the NBA's stars. Has Silver taken the bioweapon? Of course not. "Vaccines" are for the little people.

The "safe and effective" "vaccine" has caused blood clots which has terminated his season. This condition is common among the "vaccinated." In Chronicles past we have described how the bioweapon causes clotting through 2 mechanisms. One mechanism is through spike proteins which replicate like rabbits throughout the body whose spikes prevent blood from flowing freely. The other mechanism is through graphene oxide which causes a condition known as rouleau which causes blood cells to coagulate like a roll of coins which in turns creates clots.

While blood thinners may have an effect, it is a loosing battle. The graphene oxide can be removed, but don't ask your fake doctor how to do it. He will put you on a ventilator and Remdesivir to murder you. The spike proteins can be treated, but don't ask your Rockefeller fake doctor how to do it. He will put you on a ventilator and Remdesivir to murder you.

Compounding the crime, the NBA ordered Goodwin to keep it quiet, which is typical modus operandi of criminals. Why the gag order? The reason is simple - the murderers at NBA want to fool others into taking the bioweapon, and maintain the lie that the bioweapon is "safe and effective." Clearly the NBA doesn't give a flying flip about its players or its fans. It is time to arrest Silver for murder.

Without proper treatment, Goodwin's career is over, and so is his life. Not only does Goodwin have to wrestle with the blood clotting, be he also has to deal with the possibility of myocarditis and pericarditis which will eventually require a heart transplant should appropriate treatment not be applied - something which he will never get from his quack doctors.

That is what "safe and effective" is all about, Charlie Brown. Why would anyone take an experimental gene drug for a condition which has a recovery rate of 99.9%?

Noah, NBA Star: Blood Clots From COVID Vaxx Ends My Season – Then They Told Him To Keep It Quiet,, October 16, 2021, source(NBA Star: Blood Clots From COVID Vaxx Ends My Season – Then They Told Him To Keep It Quiet (, accessed 10/16/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Who Is Playing Joe Biden?

The man representing fake president Joe Biden is not the man who once was Biden. Americans have the right to know who is playing their fake president.

The pictures below illustrate the problem. There is no way that Joe Biden is the fake president. We reported previously that Biden was either dead or comatose after suffering a stroke. The fact that someone is impersonating Biden means that the United States government has suffered yet another coup d'etat and is being governed by a foreign power - the power which installed Biden as president as the result of a massive digital attack on November 3, 2020.

Actor on right is playing Joe Biden

As best as we can ascertain, the man on the left was Biden; the 2 right characters are impersonators. To spell out the differences between the man on the left and the one on the right, we will enumerate notable discrepancies. The actor on the right is the one who is most frequently sent out for press conferences and calling New World Order communist Lori Lightfoot Mr Mayor.

  1. The foreheads are distinctly different. The man on the left has a broader and flatter forehead
  2. The eye colors are different. The man on the left appears to have hazel eyes whereas the one on the right has brown
  3. The skull shapes are different. The man on the left has a blocky funnel shape, while the man on the right has a more elongated shape.
  4. The chins are different. The man on the left has a squared off chin while the man on the right has a cleft chin which appears to be the result of an ill-fitting mask.
Even looking at the two pictures holistically shows 2 different men.

This closeup of the Biden actor on the right above shows the ill-fitting mask.

Given that one, and possibly multiple, actor is playing Biden, it begs the question, Why? The main answers are 1. Biden is dead 2. Biden is incapacitated 3. His handlers are trying to project omnipresence.

This question leads to the question, Who is running the country? Most observers believe that Barack Obama is running the presidency, but even Obama has handlers which we believe lead back to Beijing.

Recently the fake Biden was shown in a fake White House getting a fake "vaccine." One commentator suggested that the injection was staged in the Executive Building to obscure Biden's dependence on teleprompters, but we believe that answer to be dishonest. It was to hide the fact that Biden has never been allowed in the White House as fake president - a point confirmed by Lin Wood.

We don't claim to have all the answers, but we sure would like some which are truthful.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

A New Kind of Mask

With face diapers everywhere and Halloween approaching, it seemed too apropos to delve into masks seen on public figures, and we aren't talking about the useless, toxic, ethylene oxide saturated masks worn by slaves thinking that they are halting the spread of "COVID."

Some alternative news sources had been advocating that major politicians and celebrities have been masked impersonators, often after these people allegedly died. Examples include Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Gates - notice that I mentioned all women - all of whom have been allegedly executed for their crimes. My instinct was to laugh it off as a publicity stunt on the part of these reporters.

Matters changed recently when Max Igan in Australia showed videos of 3 people wearing patently obvious masks. It was a shocking epiphany for me who is no stranger to conspiracy. It was right out of a 1970s Mission Impossible episode.

Joe Biden imposter wearing a mask
First up is illegitimate president Joe Biden. The face is clearly a mask. Notice how the latex on the mask forms a nipple under Biden's chin. Some sources claim that Biden suffered a stroke around March and has been heavily sedated since, or possibly even dead.

You will also note that the smoothness of the face and the tautness of the neck are clearly those of a much younger man.

Fauci with face mask
Next up is Anthony Fauci. This example is much less obvious, but if you look near the tie knot, you will see edges of the mask. It was much more obvious in the video where it is seen dancing up and down.

Albert Bourla Pfizer CEO in mask
Pfizer CEO and psychopath Albert Bourla looks like he has had a stroke or his face was put on by a flour sack packer, but the arrow shows where the mask fails to blend with the skin. In the video, one can see his neck billow like a frog's - it is very unnatural and creepy. It is as though someone is wearing an ill fitting mask.

All of these examples raise the questions, Why is someone impersonating these people? And where are the real people? For extra credit, who is impersonating them?

Because some examples are not obvious with pictures, please watch the video at about the 30 minute mark - it is about 5 minutes or so.

Max Igan, The Crowhouse, October 5, 2021, source(Anyone For An October Surprise? (

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 4, 2021

The Immoral, Murderous Psychopathy of Twitter

Twitter desecrates obituary with its lies
The immoral, murderous psychopathy of Twitter knows no bounds. There is no shred of decency at that demonic organization, proven by the fact that it flagged the obituary of a young mother who died from the bioweapon.

The vileness of that criminal enterprise is infuriating, and we will take great joy when its management is executed by military tribunals, though unfortunately we are not there yet - but it is coming.

Twitter has already shown its arrogance by censoring President Trump who is now suing the behemoth for such actions. But to desecrate the death and memory of a young mother of two goes beyond the pale - matching something which could only be found in the sickening Talmud.

Jessica Berg Wilson was a 37 year old beautiful mother of 2 children who took the bioweapon so that she could be a room mother at her children's school. She subsequently died of thrombotic thrombocytopenia caused by the bioweapon on September 7, 2021.

Twitter thinks that it is so precious following "CDC guidelines" which are intentionally genocidal, yet there are still federal regulations requiring that "vaccine" related adverse events be reported to the VAERS database. This information is used ostensibly to assess the safety and effectiveness of the "vaccine." A congressman has called for investigations for the suppression of this information by health officials.

The woman died from the "vaccine." Even if she had not, wouldn't one, for the sake of science, want to capture this information for research and analysis - even if for no other reason than to disprove the assumption? Is Twitter afraid that we might get too much information? Is it afraid that its lies are crumbling around them?

Given that millions of people have died from the "vaccine" and have been injured by it, the most natural conclusion would be that she died from the bioweapon. An honest qualified pathologist could make the final determination. As these Chronicles have reported, thrombosis is a well known side effect of the bioweapon due to the spike proteins. The relationship is well established. It is not a misleading statement to conclude cause and effect. Nor is it misleading to state the cause of death!

Sadly, Mrs Wilson was adamantly opposed to the "vaccines" but succumbed to the pressure of the school which is itself a murder gulag.

In response to Twitter's claims that the side effects are uncommon, we say that it doesn't matter. When is too much too much? How many more people have to suffer from this bioweapon before the Twitter psychopaths STFU? How would Twitter even know that the side effects are uncommon when hospitals refuse to report them to VAERS as required by federal law? Isn't one death one too many? But we have millions of them and the genocide artists still push and administer them? America's elite are sick.

The fraud of Twitter is even more infuriating when one realizes that VAERS will not include anyone who was injured or killed within the first 15 days of assault by the bioweapon. Lost data is lost science.

Finally, in response to Twitter's misinformation, there have been more confirmed deaths from the bioweapon than all previous "vaccine" releases in FDA history, and one flu vaccine for N1H1 was terminated after just 5 deaths. VAERS's misinformation numbers exceed 15,000 deaths yet the genocidists are still pushing the bioweapon.

It is so sad that Mrs Wilson did not remove her children from these vicious public schools and home school or educate them in a safe private environment.

We have said that the bioweapon is an IQ test, and unfortunately this good mother of two children did not rise to the challenge and was hampered by the misleading information and lies of Twitter.

Close your Twitter accounts. Use Telegram or some other free speech platform.

Libby Emmons, Twitter tags obituary of woman 'misleading' who reportedly died from 'vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia',, October 3, 2021, source(Twitter tags obituary of woman 'misleading' who reportedly died from 'vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia' | The Post Millennial, accessed 10/4/2021)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Who Were the Cone Heads?

Examples of Cone Heads
A significant number of skeletal remains featuring persons with large elongated skulls suggests that earth has been inhabited by hominids or humanoids who are not homo sapien. We shall quickly review the case to see where this line of investigation leads.

The skulls under review are those found in Paracus Peru. Brien Forester, whom I believe to be an archaeologist or anthropologist, discovered such skulls and spent 5 years working with the government of Peru to conduct DNA tests on the remains to determine ethnicity. The results were rather startling as they did not conform with known human parameters.

The skulls are believed to be 2000-3000 years old and belong to haplogroups U2E and H1. While found in Peru, these same groups have been found in the area between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea in the Caucus Mountains. The speculation is that invasions in the Caucasus forced out the Cone Heads who then migrated to Peru where they could live in peace.

But it was not the DNA which was of the greatest interest. None of the skulls of these peoples has a sagittal suture which is a defining characteristic of all humans, and is so important that it is used to estimate the ages of skeletons, using the degree of closure of the suture as a major marker of age.
Absence of sagittal suture

Naysayers have suggested that these skulls are the results of tribal practices known as head binding or cranial deformation, but such skulls have normal human sizes albeit with different shapes. The sizes of the skulls or brains of the Cone Heads is roughly 53% larger than human, a trait which suggests a commensurately more intelligent being.

Historical examples of Cone Heads
Additionally, it has been observed that these peoples are associated with polygonal walls such as those found in Peru, but also all over the world. Wherever these wall are found, so too the Cone Heads. The supposition is that a superior intelligence with superior means was required to construct these architecturally exact placements of stones - skills and technologies absent from the human natives.

The narrator of the video discussing these matters believes that the Cone Heads have persisted throughout history, with Karen Hudes believing that they go back as far as the ice age. In pursuit of this theory, the narrator points to pictures of medieval and ancient art depicting these people whose elaborate head dresses are concealments of their large craniums.

The skeletal evidence clearly documents a non-human race, but it is difficult to know from where they come and how much control or influence they have had in human affairs, but the art work from ancient Egypt suggests that it was significant.  

Clearly more research is required, but all of the ingredients to rewrite human history are present in these fragments.

unknown, The Observation Deck, One World; Two Species; Tartarian DNA...We were never alone, source((781) One World; Two Species; Tartarian DNA...We were never alone - YouTube)

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.