
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Soviet Savannah - A City of Lepers

The politburo and commissar of Soviet Savannah proudly display a huge banner across their headquarters building announcing their draconian mask law, with ominous threats of raids and arrests for those caught violating it. The evil and hypocrisy of this ordinance are obvious to all but the sheeple.

When I first arrived in Savannah in late July to check-in to a bed and breakfast bordering Forsyth Park, I was threatened to put on a mask. I objected that I was not medically qualified to wear one as required by OSHA. I was informed that there would be no room service because of hysteria over the "delta variant." Yet breakfast would be served in the dining area according to the guest's time preference between 7:30-9:30.

The solution to no room service is to have someone eat in the room while it is being cleaned. The virus stops cold in its tracks when one eats. Yet this bed and breakfast preferred an unsanitary room, at the very height of a new scamdemic, than having someone eat in it so that it could be cleaned.

The desk clerk warned that the mayor and his armed thugs are raiding places all over town to force compliance with his decree. We have labored long and hard showing that mandatory mask wearing is toxic and potentially lethal, so we will not repeat ourselves here.

When another man has the power to force a private citizen to submit to his will in wearing a mask, he is the former's slave, a condition which the 13th Amendment abolished. But as George Bush, Jr said, the Constitution is nothing but a god-damned piece of paper. And so the commissar of Savannah follows the Bush doctrine in pursuing his fantastical beliefs that masks are effective in accomplishing any end goal beyond suffering.

Some proprietors in the city were quite respectful of individual sovereignty, while others took it upon themselves to enforce the unconstitutional law. In one personal experience, a clerk at a non-profit venue became haughty with his new found powers, ordering me to put on a mask. In a somewhat unkind and ungentle exchange, I refused to do so and left the establishment, thus beginning my frantic escape from the soviets and their city that very moment, never to return.

Yet all around town, one could see people in close contact with each other. Whatever happened to the gay and precious "social distancing?" It seems that it is all about the masks, which is to say it is all about compulsion and submission. You can be seen and not heard - cover your mouth and ugly face for you are a leper. And now the commissar will give you a scarlet letter to make sure that you feel the shame.

We have explained how the entire "COVID" scam is an endless series of lies. To briefly summarize, viruses do not kill or maim; face masks have no protective value for it is impossible to communicate a virus nor can masks halt the microscopic particles alleged to be the virus; it is impossible to isolate and thus detect this virus; and there is absolutely no proof that any virus is pathogenic because not a single one has met the requirements of Koch's postulates. The statistics of death and illness are a complete fraud where ordinary illnesses are arbitrarily decreed to be "COVID".

Yet the commissar of Savannah is raiding and fining businesses all over the soviet, threatening them with his "autoritay' - for those who saw the South Park episode, Respect My Authority, where Cartman deputized, becomes a legal menace. Does the soviet ordinance deputize store clerks to enforce the law?

Finally, has the commissar of Savannah validated that his victims are medically qualified to wear a mask, and do so according to OSHA regulations? I doubt it; nor does he care.

The once beautiful historic section of Savannah is a hostile, unwelcoming region rife with communist henchmen ready to arrest and fine people for failure to comply with their orders to wear a filthy, useless, toxic mask. Such is the life of an ignorant sheep.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Delta Deception

[Editor's Note 8/10/2021: Please see The American Chronicle: It's Not a Vaccine for a refined analysis of the "vaccine" - it is a death sentence.]

The fake news peddlers have been pounding the drums about the alleged delta variant of the SARS-COV-2 virus - or whatever they are now alleging to be the boogeyman - in order to usher in another round of martial law and to scare people into vaccines. 

On cue, the psychopaths launched masking round 2, almost one year to the day from when they launched the mask regime of terror July 22, 2020. Our views about masks have not changed one iota in the time interval, in spite of a few politically motivated studies alleging their benefits.

OSHA established the standard on masks years ago - well before "COVID" - in its strict regulations regarding them as a necessary evil to be used for very limited periods of times for very specific purposes - but that was for a context amenable to masks - not for some phantom scenario concocted for virus micro-particles for which masks provide no tangible prophylaxis. The OSHA studies were thorough and extensive.

The meta-studies done before the politicization of masks clearly showed no substantive benefits to using them, a fact cited by every single major public health official in 2020. Yet WHO stated that it would demand that people wear them. Clearly the only reason is coercion and slavery, as well as cultivating the toxic and lethal ills associated with wearing masks.

Yes numerous studies, in conjunction with those of OSHA, show toxic and lethal ill effects of masks. Many masks are made of ethylene oxide, a carcinogenic substance; they induce hypoxia and hypercapnia which cause brain destruction; and they may cause heart attacks and death - heart attacks being the issue which brought OSHA into the fray in the first place. Yet, as a clerk at a bed and breakfast in Savannah told me, "my mother told me to wear a mask and that is what I am going to do." "Even if it causes cancer," I asked? "Yes," was the rocket scientist's response. He and his mom are a piece of work.

Before moving to the delta variant deception, we should note that viruses do not kill or cause illness. No one in human history has ever died or gotten sick from a virus. Telling this to another clerk at this same establishment, I was informed that the flu is a virus. The young man's eyes popped when I told him that the flu is not a virus. I did not waste my breath on him by explaining that he, along with everyone else with a talking head advisor, has conflated coincidence with causality. Viruses are produced to heal the body, not to harm it. But everyone who buys into the original sin theory will fall for the idea that the body is inherently evil, and hell-bent on destroying itself. They have fallen into the hands of an angry god, and are suffering for their lapsarian ways.

But the current deception is the so-called delta variant cited above. What the newsfakers are not telling you is that all of the people suffering this alleged illness are vaccine victims. The newsfakers coverup this development entirely. The ones honestly trying to report it tell you that 50% or more of the delta cases are vaccine victims whose vaccines failed, but the truth is that the vaccines are weapons of mass destruction designed to ruin your life, if not take it.

Dr Peter McCollough of Texas A&M and Dr Harvey Risch of Yale have both claimed that at least half, or more, of all new "COVID" patients are vaccinated.

But since the virus has never been isolated, and thus not identifiable; and since it has never met Koch's postulates which demand that an alleged pathogenic organism meet scientific standards of specific symptoms in a demonstrable and provably causal way, the unvaccinated 50% are simply chimeras in the minds of incompetents who cannot possibly claim anything about the role of viruses in these cases - delta or otherwise. Thus 100% of sick delta victims are vaccinated, and they suffer illnesses all over the map. How can this be?

To review, viruses are organic, non-reproducing, non-living proteins encoded with the host's RNA and DNA. This encoding prevents the virus from attacking the host's healthy cells. When a virus protein sees the host's DNA, it recognizes it as friendly. Material without your DNA is viewed as foreign and processed for ejection - whether it is eliminated through respiration, perspiration, urination, or defecation - or old fashioned snot - is an entirely different matter.

The vaccines remove that protective layer from viral proteins, causing the viruses to attack the host. Instead of protecting people, viruses are now attacking them. This development is not an accident - it is intentional. In fact, the Department of Human Health and Services has called the vaccines experimental. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved the vaccines for safety, yet people are lining up like lemmings to take them as though they were candy.

Anecdotally, I know of friends and acquaintances who reported first hand knowledge of deaths and health destruction due to vaccines. One particularly sad case is that of a recently married 20-something beautiful blonde woman whose pictures I saw of her as vibrant and healthy in an athletic pose, one leg back and the opposing arm forward, as she moved into her new house. Then a video showing her in vegetative state, barely able to walk, and spastic was horrifying to watch. Yet the newsfakers and the vile Mitch McConnel of Kentucky are telling Americans that the vaccines are perfectly safe. Such liars should be hung from trees.

So we have the strange case of a senator who has done no research on the vaccines telling Americans that they are safe, even when the FDA calls them experimental, and has not endorsed them as safe. But McConnel is only one of the Lysenkoist frauds peddling this horse manure about vaccine safety.

The delta deception is the continuing fraud that viruses are harmful, and that you must be vaccinated. The vaccines may very well harm you irreparably, and are completely unnecessary. Yet the deception is more sinister - it blames the illnesses of the vaccinated on virus variants rather than on the vaccine itself. Then the liars mix in non-vaccinated people into the sample cohort, wave their magic wands, mumbo hocus pocus, then declare that they are ill because of a virus. The goyim fall for it because cows can be outwitted by cock roaches.

PS - If you see this Chronicle, it is because the earth spirit wants you to see it. Otherwise it is impossible for you to find it. The President of the United States, plus the heads of the CIA proprietaries such as Google and their divisional chiefs have stated that they will censor all publications which contradict the Centers for Disease Control statements. The most common tactic is to dismiss such challenges as "misinformation." The other tactic is to make alternate accounts unfindable. The truth is that CIA and the President are the liars and terrorists.

PPS - The term "delta variant" may well refer to the Delta Forces protecting Trump, and/or the military camp at Guantanamo Bay where allegedly traitors are being tried by military tribunals. We are unable to substantiate that allegation to our satisfaction.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.