
Friday, January 15, 2021

Remembering Dr King

It's that time of year again to remember Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who was much more gruesome than his popular image. It defies human decency that anyone would pay homage to such a "terrible" man. What was the real content of King's character? We shall find out.

King was murdered by the police state, to be sure, in 1968, but his legacy isn't really civil rights because he was simply a front man for far more powerful forces manipulating him. Who was King and who were his masters?

King, like Obama after him, was given a doctorate and credentials he could not earn on his own. King's plagiarism is well known, and well covered-up, but until Mike King reported on the findings of a panel investigating the matter, I had not been appraised of its extent. A 1991 Boston University panel reported that as much as 1/3 of King's doctoral thesis was plagiarized, including the punctuation errors.

Recently, some high profile individuals were sentenced for bribing college officials to matriculate their oh-so-not-so-bright children into prestigious universities. In theory students can still be expelled from colleges and universities for plagiarism. Yet for King, it is a career builder.

But King needed a credential because he was designated to lead a civil rights campaign. And having a black man with a doctorate was just the ticket to give the movement gravitas. But why King? My theory is that he was compromised and easy to control because of his sex addictions. An article published in the Independent reports the consensus that King's many extra-marital affairs are well known and documented.

This article also covered more revealing sordid events in King's life, including the following documentation about his involvement in a rape. The Independent reports,

“When one of the women protested that she did not approve of this, the Baptist minister immediately and forcibly raped her.”

A handwritten memo, probably added by the FBI’s head of intelligence operations, adds: “King looked on, laughed and offered advice.”

One interviewee expressed great disbelief at the story, but King admitted that he was a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde character. Why is such a story so hard to believe given the content of King's character and his admission about his duplicity?

So this great civil rights leader was an easy blackmail victim, but it is doubtful that he needed too much arm twisting to carry on the charade of a sanctimonious charlatan. It was probably the promise of money and women which drew him into the game.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was led by Jews for decades. Why? It was an instrument of a larger Jewish program to deconstruct America, having nothing to do with ethical interests. And this is where King's handler, Stanley Levison, enters the picture. He is the one who scripted King and his more memorable utterances such as the I Have a Dream speech. King did not have the rhetorical gifts to write such florid and stirring speeches. After all, he had to steal other authors' works for his doctoral thesis.

Levison was a communist which is why King so openly joined forces with them - he was under orders as to how to form his alliances. Undoubtedly this drove the FBI to surveil him, and eventually to kill him. But King was only the sock puppet, Levison and his tribe were the string pullers.

Jacquelyn Kennedy called King a "terrible" man. We concur. It is time to abolish the King holiday. How could decent people celebrate a sock puppet who gave advice to rapists on how to screw their victims better?

Mike King, Marxist Loser King's Birthday, The Real History Channel, January 15, 2021, accessed (1/15/2021, THE TRUTH ABOUT MLK - The Real History Channel)

Peter Stubley, Chris Baynes, Martin Luther King Jr ‘watched and laughed’ as woman was raped, secret FBI recordings allege, May 28, 2019, Independent, accessed ( 1/15/2021, Martin Luther King Jr ‘watched and laughed’ as woman was raped, secret FBI recordings allege | The Independent | The Independent )

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Just Say No to Masks

It has been a few months since we have spoken out against the police state which is using Lysenkoist "science" to enforce its sovietization of America. So to start the new year off with a bang, we have consolidated some talking points about the dangers of masks and the general lies of the COVID-19 scare machine.

If you read this Chronicle, it will be because you defied the censorship - either intentionally or by accident - of the soviet apparatchiks like CIA-Google, CIA-YouTube, CIA-Twitter, CIA-Facebook and a whole litany of others who suppress the free exchange of ideas. If these soviet monsters can close down the president's accounts, it can easily do so to anyone who defies its power drunken madness.

I reprint an email I wrote to Citizens For Free Speech, a non-profit organization trying hard to fight the tyranny implemented with frenzied speed by the soviet elite.

The occasion was a review of Dr Russell Blaylock's brochure, published by the aforementioned organization, outlining the dangers, including death, of wearing masks. While I was delighted that CFFS is fighting this wretched cursed lie, the very good Dr Blaylock did not go far enough in denouncing the idiocy of wearing masks. Although we have provided the correct antidotes to these lies in the past, one should never weary of trumpeting the truth. Forthwith is our edited response to these good people.

I was glad to receive your brochure on face masks, and am grateful that Dr Blaylock is fighting the lies, but his message falls short. At the risk of being accused of rearranging deck chairs on the fake sinking of the Titanic, I would make the following points.

Dr Mercola published an article citing more serious side effects from face masks including triggering or exacerbation of asthma, respiratory disease, blood clotting, and heart attacks.

OSHA researched the issue a few decades ago when construction workers suffered heart attacks at disproportionate rates to the general population. It discovered that the mandatory wearing of face masks was the culprit in causing heart failure. As a consequence, OSHA issued a number of requirements for mask usage including 1. wearers must be medically qualified to wear a mask (medical examination) 2. wearers must be fitted by a certified fitter 3. wearers must be trained by qualified trainers on donning, doffing, disposing, and wearing of masks 4. masks are only designated for specific short term tasks.

One of the general issues which Dr Blaylock addressed, fortunately, is the elevated levels of ambient carbon dioxide around mask wearers. OSHA specified that 5000 ppm were the toxic threshold whereas masks generally elevate the level to 8500 - which for some people would be lethal. In fact 2 doctors have reported of death and serious accident from asphyxiation from masks.

I would also propose redesigning the brochure so that it bullet points for talking points. The density of the text is too high and too verbose.

Of course the larger issue is never addressed, namely that viruses have never killed or sickened anyone in all of human history. You get viruses because you ARE sick, not to make you sick. You can't communicate viruses, nor can foreign viruses help or hurt you. They are organic, non living, non reproducing proteins which dissolve wastes and toxins in the body. They are encoded with the host's DNA and RNA to prevent the virus from causing autoimmune disorders! These cell specific organisms are created in the face of dystopic crisis. They are required for health and survival.

It is interesting to note that not one single alleged virus has met Koch's postulates, the sin qua non of establishing cause and effect.

finally, if anyone missed the press conference of Dr Stella Immanuel on the superfluous nature of masks in treating "covid-19" in a clinical setting, you have missed a treat. Masks are totally unnecessary. (Of course these people were generally ill and only had the Lysenkoist disease of "COVID")

I support all you do, and will donate to help. The soviet state is upon us. 

Dr Blaylock added additional reasons, than I previously knew, in his brochure, and it would be a tragedy if I did not mention them. He cited a study of health workers who wore the N95 mask which revealed that 1/3 of the workers developed headaches from wearing the mask, and 60% required medicine for relief from the pain. Recall that Dr Immanuel treated numerous patients alleged to have had "COVID" without wearing masks. The same was true for her doctors who assisted her. If this "airborne" virus were as infectious and as lethal as is claimed, surely all of these doctors would be ill or dead - according the horror stories conjured by the newsfakers.

As a personal aside, in the few places I am allowed to enter, I have seen many mask wearing workers red-faced and ill looking. Many try to remove the mask when no one is looking, but they feel that they have to keep up appearances by wearing the filthy, disgusting, unhealthy muzzles. (Although I admit that some of them look much better with covered faces.)

The N95 mask, when worn for hours, can reduce blood oxygen by 20%, a condition known as hypercapnia. This loss of oxygen caused one man to pass out while driving his vehicle.

Another study found that 81% of people wearing masks suffered headaches. Yet another study shows that reduction of blood oxygen levels inhibits the C4+ T-lymphocyte which fights infections.

Hypoxia also adversely affects cancer because it grows under conditions of reduced oxygen. Thus people with cancer are being systematically exterminated by the quack advice to wear masks. Maybe this is why OSHA mandated that persons wearing masks should be medically qualified to wear one. It is interesting that a shop keeper or employer has the power to endanger the health of people by denying them access to vital supplies such as food or employment, if they refuse to wear the disgusting masks.

Finally, other research shows that prolonged mask wearing inhibits the body's ability to emit toxins, which then are recycled back into body to re-infect people. These toxins re-enter the body through the nasal passages from where they travel to the brain. The soviets have been trumpeting covering the nose for this very purpose.

It is sick and pathetic that so many clueless people are tyrannizing others with their ignorant, misinformed, totalitarian - and Archie Bunker mindsets - concerning masks. Make it a New Year's resolution to burn your mask.

Copyright 2021 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.