
Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Dinosaur Hoax

Proving yet again that education provides no immunity from stupidity, academia has successfully pawned off one of the great "scientific" hoaxes of the past 2 centuries with its theory of dinosaurs - a wholly mythical creature without foundation in fact.

The dinosaur industry started in the mid 19th C. at about the same time that Charles Darwin's crackpot theory of evolution began to take the world by storm. Richard Owen, Superintendent of the British Museum Natural History Department postulated the existence of dinosaurs in 1842 which after 12 short years resulted in the discovery dinosaur bones near the upper Missouri River when Ferdinand Hayden found a few unidentified teeth which had to be those of dinosaurs.

As Erasmus (1466-1536) once quipped, speaking of the massive quantities of relics of the true cross, there were enough of them to build Noah's ark. And so it is with the alleged dinosaur teeth and bones - it only takes a couple of odd teeth, a chip of an elephant tusk, and a few chicken bones to contrive a dinosaur display for a prestigious museum.

As Eric Dubay noted in our reference article, the public is entirely unaware that dinosaur displays are fabrications of random bones and teeth supplemented by large quantities of fabricated pieces made of plaster, epoxies, and plastics. No one has ever discovered a dinosaur in situ. The majority of the ones placed in museums are complete hoaxes. For example Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Marsh, 2 leading 19th C. paleontologists, "discovered" 136 dinosaurs of which over 75% have been rejected as invalid.

Nearly all dinosaur "discoveries" have been made by paleontologists and related "scientists" who have a vested interested in promoting the dinosaur hoax. Billions of dollars are at stake and in play when one considers the academic and entertainment industries which have profited handsomely by the belief, the movie Jurassic Park being a prime example.

The majority of discoveries have come from concentrated areas which defies the laws of probabilities, so much so that a fabrication plant in China supplies fake bones and displays to this nation's premier museums. So-called real bones can sell for millions of dollars, so augmenting them with fake bones from China made by Zigong Dino Ocean Art Company, which supplies nearly 3/4 of the fake bones shown by American and European museums, makes economic sense.

Professors and museum curators hire artists to help create the mythological creatures which have no precedence in the annals of science prior to the 19th C. Unfortunately the artists do not have a good sense of physics, biomechanics, or biology as the centers of gravity and other structural characteristics of the fantasy animals make them physical impossibilities. Only in a child's fiction book or Disney Studios can dinosaurs come to life.

The alleged real bones said to be those of dinosaurs are held under lock and key with absolutely no access by the public, the main reason being that exposure of cat and chicken bones as dinosaurs could cause considerable embarrassment to the hoaxsters. Thus the keepers of the hoax have completely sabotaged the Scientific Method which requires that scientific discoveries be independently reproduced before acceptance.

So-called prestigious journals such as Nature and National Geographic have been outed so many times for the fraudulent "discoveries" that hysterical laughter should ensue from the mention of either of these names. Dubay writes:
In the 1990s many fossils with feathers were supposedly discovered in China (suspiciously close to the Zigong Dino Ocean Art Company), but when examined Dr. Timothy Rowe found the so-called “Confuciusornis” was an elaborate hoax.  He also found the “Archeoraptor” supposedly discovered in the 90s was composed of bones from 5 different animals!  When Dr. Rowe presented his findings to National Geographic the head scientist reportedly remarked “well all of these have been fiddled with!  National Geographic then proceeded with their news conferences and media stories about the Archeoraptor fossils being genuine and having found the missing link in evolution.  
Many fall back to the redoubt of radiometric dating to buttress their claims about the antiquity of dinosaur bones, yet this method has come under great suspicion as scientists realized that it is susceptible to faulty readings for so many reasons. One of the bigger problems is that radiometric methods are applied to the rocks near the bones rather than to the bones themselves.

But why all of the fraud? The main reason is the need to fill in the gaps in the theory of evolution which has more holes in it than a colander made of Swiss cheese. The Jewish and Free Mason press need a method to undermine Christianity and the Bible, so quack paleontologists and editors of National Geographic are impressed into service with their shimmering atheistic voodoo science.

Some Biblicists point to the term leviathan and similar vocabulary in Job to sustain the idea that dinosaurs existed, but the language is too loose to make any such conclusion.

Given the relative novelty of dinosaur theories and evolution, it is very doubtful that an authentic dinosaur will ever be found - dinosaurs were a need invented by the fakers of another theory about human origins. The ones to date have certainly been the product of fertile imaginations where academia and the entertainment industries have combined to defraud the public on a grand scale.

Eric Dubay, Dinosaur Hoax - Dinosaurs Never Existed!,, September 9, 2015, accessed 4/9/2017

Copyright 2017 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Karen Silkwood and the USS Liberty

Connecting Karen Silkwood to the sinking of the USS Liberty may seem like a stretch, notwithstanding the chronological difficulties, but new information has come to our attention implicating Israel and Mossad in the murder of Silkwood, and the sinking of the US communications ship.

An article in the January/February 2017 Barnes Review surfaces new evidence connecting the famous whistleblower to Jewish espionage against America's nuclear assets.

Silkwood gained fame as the undercover employee of the criminal Kerr-McGee plutonium processing plant near Crescent, Oklahoma which produced highly defective fuel rods destined for the Hanford plutonium processing facility in Washington state. Silkwood documented many other safety violations which she uncovered while working as a quality control specialist.

Kerr-McGee and intelligence agents, whom we believe were from Mossad and CIA, retaliated against Silkwood by contaminating her apartment with plutonium at 150 times its "safe" levels. When that murder attempt failed, Kerr-McGee sent Mossad agents working with law enforcement agencies to run her off the road in a staged accident.

Enroute to a meeting with a New York Times reporter in Oklahoma City on April 13, 1974, Silkwood was run off the road by a driver of a black painted Chevrolet. The setup was problematic in the first place because the Jewish owned New York Times was most likely involved in luring Silkwood to Oklahoma City. Why didn't its reporter meet her locally? ( We know all of the plausible deniability reasons.)

Government officials attempted to blame the accident on faint traces of alcohol or tranquilizers, but those quantities do not impair driving. The fact that Silkwood was braced against the driving wheel indicates that she was attempting to protect herself as best as she could from her attacker and an imminent crash. The documents Silkwood carried with her to her appointment were stolen by her attacker(s).

The safety violations were only the tip of the iceberg. Silkwood also discovered that at least 40 pounds of plutonium were missing from the Kerr-McGee plant. An FBI source revealed in 1975 that the number was at least 140 pounds which a CIA source confirmed was destined for 2 "friendly" countries. That information was doublespeak for Israel and South Africa - though some contend India was involved.

This story dovetails perfectly with our previous Chronicle relating how numerous nuclear warheads were smuggled out of this country through Pantex in Galveston, Texas, headed for Africa, then South Africa, then to Israel and New York City where Jews used them to attempt to blow up the World Trade Center, the first attempt being in 1993.

Israel created in 1957 the Bureau of Scientific Relations, aka LAKAM, as a front organization to steal plutonium through its intelligence front NUMEC near Pittsburgh by obtaining nuclear processing contracts with the US government. Mossad agent Raphael Eitan who headed the operation was also the handler of American traitor Jonathan Pollard.

Jewish espionage against America's nuclear capabilities goes back to at least the Rosenbergs, but it continued full swing even after the well deserved execution of the husband and wife traitors. In the 1960s, the Jewish Lyndon Johnson gave full sanction to Jewish espionage and treason contrary to specific US nuclear non-proliferation laws governing otherwise. The Vietnam president personally intervened to keep Israel's nuclear program a secret. Kennedy, on the other hand, attempted to derail it, citing concerns about the terrorist state's proclivity for violence. This intervention against Israel cost Kennedy his life.

In another Chronicle on the attack of the USS Liberty which Johnson ordered, we noted that one motive for sinking the Liberty was to destroy evidence that the communications ship had gathered that Jews were wantonly slaughtering unarmed Egyptians in the Sinai Desert. In a follow-up, we noted that Johnson was attempting to create a casus belli for dropping a hydrogen bomb on Cairo. While both motives for sinking the Liberty are true, there is yet another one equally powerful.

According to a retired CIA official, a French freighter carrying stolen uranium was headed toward Israel, whose contents would have surely been identified by the Liberty. Thus it was necessary for the Jews to sink the ship, and which was most likely the reason for Johnson's vehement demand to "send it to the bottom of the sea, now!". For had the cargo been identified, Sixth Fleet interdiction would have surely followed, leading to numerous international diplomatic troubles and setbacks to the Jewish nuclear program.

The Karen Silkwood case was just the tip of the iceberg of treason against the United States by its citizens and the Rothschild colony of Israel. When a lawyer for the Silkwood parents attempted to obtain documents on their daughter's case from the government, one official warned him that both of his clients would be dead if he did not desist from his demands, adding that not a damned thing would be done about their deaths. Only Jews have that kind of power.


Philip Rife, Karen Silkwood: The Woman Who Knew Too Much, The Barnes Review, January/February 2017, Volume XXIII, Number 1, pp 24-27

Copyright 2017 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.