
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Did the Mob Murder John F Kennedy?

One of the favorite suspects in the murder of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963 is the Mob. Like all good myths, this one has enough elements of truth to make it plausible; unfortunately it fails the acid test of truth.

Ever since the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that a conspiracy operated to kill the president, and that most likely mob members were part of it, organized crime has been a permanent feature of discussions regarding culprits. As we have noted, one can find reasonable evidence to make such a case.

However, the mob theory falls apart when viewing the crime in its entirety. Perhaps the best refutation of the mob theory came in Oliver Stone’s landmark JFK movie where the character Jim Garrison belittles the notion that the mob could operate all of the levers of power needed to execute the crime and cover it up down to the present day.

On the other hand, it would be a huge mistake to deny that the mob was involved. Indeed, they were another arm of the Bush Crime Syndicate’s assault on the presidency. Mob members were certainly involved in the murder of the president, one of them being the illustrious Jack Ruby who murdered Lee Oswald on national television. Jack Ruby, nee Rubenstein, was a small time mobster from Chicago who had ties to political figures. One such figure was Richard Nixon with whom Ruby had relations going back to the 1940s when the future president was a Congressman from California. At the time of Kennedy’s assassination, Ruby was in Dallas carrying assault weapons for the Bush Crime Syndicate’s hit job.

Julia Ann Mercer, stuck in the heavy traffic passing through Dealey Plaza in anticipation of the President’s visit, witnessed Jack Ruby driving the green pick-up truck from which an assistant pulled a rifle case and carried it up the grassy knoll to where one of the sniper teams was positioned. Mercer also witnessed three police officers standing idly on the overpass who disarmed Mercer’s sense of danger – after all, if the police were not stopping these men, then surely Ruby and his assistant must have a legitimate purpose for carrying rifles up the grassy knoll. Mercer did not know at the time what a criminal enterprise the Dallas Police Department was.

Police later caught up with Mercer after they overheard her in a restaurant discussing the incident with her friends. The FBI also questioned her extensively. In January 1968, in conjunction with Jim Garrison’s investigation, Mercer and her husband visited with the District Attorney to share her story. Mercer was shocked to discover that the FBI had completely altered her story, stating, for example, that the green pick-up truck was marked in complete contradiction to her statements.

Even more disturbingly, the FBI claimed that Mercer could not identify Jack Ruby when in fact she correctly chose him from among the photos they presented to her the day before Ruby shot Oswald at the Dallas jail.

The coup de grace was the FBI’s forgery of her signature over a forged notary public’s stamp. Mercer pointed out to Garrison the inconsistencies with the faked and authentic signature.

The master of publicity himself, J Edgar Hoover, used the popular television series about his organization to cover up the underworld criminal activities of his highly vaunted crime busting team who at the very time were piling up lie after damned lie in its archives.

We see from Mercer’s story tangible participation by a well established crime lord, Jack Ruby, in the murder of a president. Other evidence exists for contributions of the mob in the murder, but they were adjuncts to a superbly planned crime – they were not its authors. That ignominious honor belongs to the Wall Street thugs on whose behalf the Bush Crime Syndicate operated.

JFK and the Unspeakable - Why He Died and Why It Matters, James Douglass

Copyright 2010-12 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Robert Vinson and the Other Oswald

For those who are knowledgeable about the intricacies of the Bush Crime Syndicate’s plot to murder John Kennedy, it will come as no surprise to hear another story corroborating the existence of an Oswald double. For those who are hearing for the first time of such a doppelganger, read the story of Sergeant Vinson whose double vision obliterates the preposterous lone nut theory.

Our account of Robert Vinson’s witness of the Oswald double comes from James Douglass’ fascinating book, JFK and the Unspeakable which presents the salient facts pointing the finger at the CIA – an element of the Wall Street based Bush Crime Syndicate – for the murder of John Kennedy.
Vinson, stationed at the North American Defense Command (NORAD) – the same one later used to disguise the 9/11/2001 air attacks by the CIA on the World Trade Center and Pentagon – witnessed the Oswald imposter escape from Dallas on a CIA plane. We believe that he eventually left the United States.
After being passed over for promotion in spite of sterling evaluation reports, Vinson decided to take his case directly to officers in the Pentagon by flying from Ent Air Force Base to Washington, DC on November 20, 1963.
The following day he met with Colonel Chapman who was a Pentagon Congressional liaison. While in Chapman’s office, Vinson heard Chapman on the phone firmly warn his party not to allow the President to go to Dallas as he had received information rendering the trip inadvisable.
After his meeting with Chapman, Vinson went to Andrews Air Force Base to grab a flight back to Colorado Springs. Although there were no such flights scheduled that day, the attending airman placed Vinson on a flight to Lowry Air Force Base in Denver. The aircraft was a large unmarked C-54 cargo plane except for an egg-shaped earth which Vinson was later to learn was a CIA logo.
After boarding the plane, Vinson saw two men in olive drab overalls enter the craft, passing him without saying a word. Odder was the absence of a flight manifest or a crew chief. At 12:29p the pilot announced that the president had been shot upon which the plane turned sharply south from its westward course, somewhere over Nebraska, landing in Dallas 3:30p central time in a sandy area along the Trinity River.
From a distance, two men leaving a jeep headed toward the plane. They also walked past Vinson without looking at or speaking to him. Dressed in beige coveralls, one was a Cuban about 6’ at 180 – 190 lbs, while his shorter Caucasian companion was about  5’ 7” to 5’ 9” weighing about 150 – 160 lbs. Vinson later discovered through news accounts that weekend that the shorter man bore a strong resemblance to Lee Oswald.
A little past dusk, the CIA C-54 landed after which the two pilots and two passengers from Dallas got off the plane, leaving Vinson stranded. Vinson soon learned that he was in Roswell, NM. When he asked the Air policeman how to get downtown, he told Vinson that no one could leave or enter the base because it was on alert, an explanation which Vinson found baffling as he had just landed.
Soon thereafter, in 1964 and after his promotion, Vinson’s life became complicated. Not only was he required to sign a secrecy agreement, but so was his wife Roberta – a first for her.
On November 25, 1964 the Air Force ordered him on a “special” assignment to Washington, D.C. where he was physically and psychologically tested by the CIA in Langley. He was asked by a group of men in a semi-darkened conference room to go to work for them, an offer he refused in spite of lucrative inducements.
In February 1965, the Air Force ordered Vinson to work for the CIA on the SR-71 project located in the Nellis Mountains 40 miles northwest of Las Vegas at Site 51. Vinson learned that both Roswell and Site 51 were the sites of the CIA’s experimental flight programs which often produced saucer shaped craft whose UFO reports the Air Force encouraged in order to cover up its projects.
Vinson and his wife realized that the reason for his assignment to the CIA was so that the spooks could monitor him more closely, and buy his silence with regular cash payments.
Civil liberties lawyer James Johnston and reporter Jon Roe published a book on Vinson’s account adding some other interesting detail. The location where the C-54 took off was Oak Cliff, the same area where J D Tippit was murdered. Thus the Oswald imposter murdered Tippit in order to frame Oswald as the murderer. The fake Oswald quickly escaped 2 ½ hours later via the C-54 which picked up him and his Cuban companion. The pickup location was 1.3 miles from the El Chico restaurant where T F White had seen the fake Oswald at 2p.
The truly fascinating aspect of this story about the double Oswald is the consumate planning which  the CIA invested in the execution of the President of the United States. But let there be no doubt that the CIA reports to the moguls on Wall Street, a place to which the Bush Crime Syndicate has deep ties.
JKF and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why it Matters, James Douglass
Copyright 2010-12 Tony Bonn. All rights reserved.